
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Official Reports of the Battle of Shiloh: No. 49 – Report of Capt. Matthew M. Trumbull, 3rd Iowa Infantry

No. 49.

Report of Capt. Matthew M. Trumbull, Third Iowa Infantry.

April 17, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Third Iowa Infantry in the action of the 6th and 7th instant.

The Third Iowa occupied the extreme right of the Fourth Division, being the first regiment of Col. and Actg. Brig. Gen. N. G. Williams’ brigade, and was posted during a greater portion of Sunday at the fence near the cotton field. The enemy repeatedly threw large bodies of infantry against us, but never with success. He was repulsed every time, and with great slaughter. The regiment was also subjected to a storm of grape, canister, and shell, which lasted several hours. The Third Iowa maintained its ground until evening and did not then give way until the troops on their right and left had been broken and we were entirely outflanked and almost surrounded. The regiment was then compelled in a great measure to cut its way out.

Of the firmness, coolness, and courage of the men under a heavy fire it will be unnecessary for me to speak, as they were almost constantly during the battle under the immediate eye of the general commanding the division.

The regiment went into battle on the second day under the command of First Lieut. G. W. Crosley, of Company E, and, as I am well assured, nobly maintained the honor of the flag.

Should I designate meritorious officers I should have to name nearly every officer in the regiment. I think, however, none will feel envious if I specially mention Lieutenant Crosley.

I desire to call the attention of the general commanding the division to the gallantry and good conduct of Sergt. James Lakin, of Company F, who carried the colors on the first day, and of Corp. Anderson Edwards, of Company I, who carried the colors on the second day, of the battle.

Our loss is heavy. I herewith inclose a list of our killed, wounded, and missing.­*

I have the honor to remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

 Captain, Third Iowa Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

 Brig. Gen. STEPHEN A. HURLBUT, U.S. A.,
Commanding Fourth Division, Army of the Tennessee.

* Embodied in the revised statement, p. 103

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume X (Serial No. 10), Part I, pages 219

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