
Monday, October 1, 2012

Dedication of the Iowa Monuments at Shiloh National Military Park

Dedication Exercises at the Regimental Monuments
November 22, 1906

9:00 A. M.

9:25 A. M.

9:45 A. M.

10:00 A. M.

10:15 A. M.

10:30 A. M.

10:50 A. M.

11:10 A. M.

11:25 A. M.

11:35 A. M.

11:50 A. M.

Dedication Exercises at the of Iowa State Monument

November 23, 1906

1:30 P. M.

Call To Order:
Colonel W. G. Crosley, Vice Chairman of the Commission

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band

Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie

“Unto thee, O Lord, belong power and dominion and majesty. Unto thee would we render that which is thine, with humble and grateful and trusting hearts. Teach us, first of all, to acknowledge our obligation to thee; to remember that thou art indeed, over all, and that thou art also blessed forever. We know not all thy ways. We understand not all the mysteries of thy being, but thou dost permit us to know very much of thy Fatherhood, of thy gracious disposition, thy fatherly spirit, thy love for us. And because thou hast had these thoughts toward us, thou hast mercifully led us throughout many years of trial — years of bright and years of sad experience; and thou hast taught us that our dependence is upon thee. Therefore, we humbly pray that thou wilt stay near by during all the history we are to make; during all the development for which we hope. We pray that thou wilt be our Leader, bringing us through a prosperous voyage to a blessed port.

“We have been making a pilgrimage of blessing, of memory, of gratitude, and of peace, and as we come to the conclusion of our special duty, and see now the completion of that which we began, we pray that we may go hence with hearts prepared to appreciate the multitude of favors we have received. We have had occasion to commune with the dead.  We have stood where they were buried, who died loyally and faithfully, giving themselves wholly that they might secure the permanence of this nation. We thank thee that this Union of states was so precious to them that they held nothing back, but gave themselves utterly to maintain its permanence. We thank thee, O Lord, that through all the suffering and martyrdom and battle shock and pain, these men held steadfast to that which they had begun. And Lord, for these brave of the brave, the twice five thousand men that stood here meeting the battle's shock, and the many times five thousand men who on other fields withstood the shock of battle — for these we give thee our thanks, for we recognize in them the preservers of the Union. We pray that the people may all cherish their memories with gratitude; that we may all remember that we have not come upon these blessings by any manner of accident or of experiment. May we remember that they have been won by those who devoted themselves with their best intelligence and highest consecration to secure them; by those who gave themselves with unfaltering devotion that they might maintain them. May we go hence with renewed determination that this government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. May we see, and may others see, more and more, that these mercies have been ours because of infinite sacrifice. Lord, we pray that thy blessing may be upon our whole land — not divided, not dismembered, but one land, with one flag, with not a star erased.

“Grant thy favor to this portion of the Union, where all this was carried on, and where so much of suffering and loss was endured. And so upon north and south, upon one land, may thine own good light shine through all the days.

“Accept our thanks, we beseech thee; guide us safely to our homes. Bless the people of our state who sent us forth upon this mission, and be so with them and with us that the grace of the Lord Christ may be revealed, and justice and truth may be everywhere established. Accept our thanks, bear with us in our weaknesses and guide us in wisdom and love, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.”

Colonel William B. Bell

Albert B. Cummins, Governor of Iowa

 Colonel Cornelius Cadle

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Rock of Ages”

of the Shiloh National Military Park Commission

Representing Governor Cox of Tennessee

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Onward, Christian Soldiers”

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Star Spangled Banner”

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band

Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie

“Now be the peace of God upon all the resting places of our myriad dead, and upon the homes of the living, north and south, the peace of God, forevermore.  Amen.”


After the close of the dedication exercises, a brief sacred concert was rendered by the Fifty-fifth Iowa regimental band at the National cemetery, a short distance from the monument.

SOURCE: Abstracted from Alonzo Abernathy, Editor, Dedication of Monuments Erected By The State Of Iowa, p. 201-301

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