
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Private Enos Hammer, Co. G 7th Iowa Cavalry, to his sister, March 21, 1864 [Fragment]

Cottonwood Springs
Monday March 21st

Dear Sister

I take the present time to write you a few lines in answer to yours of the 8th.  I am well and enjoying myself bully.  I was but but a hunting yesterday and went  all over Nebraska Territory all but what it lacked.  It is a snowing a little today but I think [illegible] [a] off in the course of 5 minutes.  Has Ira got religion or not.  I believe you was a [illegible] does Luisa ever talk of getting it.  There has been several revivals out here about a week ago there was a great revival in camp one man got his snoot squished.  An other got the mug put on him.  And they went to the gard house to seek salvation.  There is not much difference in all revivals in [missing text] some talk  of the [missing text] driving us from land of  [kanion] . . .

SOURCE:  Letter listed for auction on, July 17, 2012.  Only the 1st page of the letter was displayed with a tear in the lower left corner and a watermark in the middle of the page covering some of the text.

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