
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sergeant Job S. Beals, Co. G 7th Iowa Cavalry, to Henry Hammer, July 11, 1864 [Fragment]

Topeka Kansas,
July 11th/64

Respected Cousins,

I take my pen this evening to drop you a few lines to let you know how Enos is as I supposed you would be anxious to know he [does not seem to be getting] better than  when I wrote to you before, he wil be apt to take a change one way or the other pretty soon.  The rest of the Newton boys are all enjoying pretty good health at present.  I have not time to write much at present  I wil writ again in a few days, and let you know how Enos is getting along.  This leaves me well and before it wil . . .

SOURCE:  Letter listed for auction on, July 17, 2012, only the 1st page of the letter was shown with a watermark over the bracketed text.  No transcription of the letter was offered on the listing.

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