
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Send No Freight That Way

Let it be remembered, now and always, of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, that its Board of Directors by a large majority refused to require its employees to take the oath of allegiance to the United States.  Whatever lying excuses may be offered for this conduct, it is simply disloyal and should be discountenanced by all loyal men.  The miserable sycophants of a vulgar and barbarous aristocracy, still cling to their idolatry, and dote upon the incendiary scoundrels who blew up the bridge at Harper’s Ferry, burnt the locomotives at Martinsburg, and tore up the track for twenty miles along the Potomac.  Never in the history of the world were men so mean and presumptuous, so ignorant and devilish, as the conspirators engaged in the Southern rebellion, rewarded with devotion so abject and unqualified as that which the servile class of the whites bestow upon the traitors.  The boasted devotion of the negro to his master, pales before the voluntary fawning slavery of the poor spirited white toward the negro driver. – {Cincinnati Commercial.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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