
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kidnapping In Cairo

A Cairo correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, writing under date of the 26th instant, says:

“It seems that there is in Cairo an organized band of unprincipled scoundrels who had for some time before the inauguration of the war been engaged in the nefarious business of kidnapping negroes whom chance or business brought to Cairo, and running them off to Kentucky and Tennessee and selling them into Slavery.  At the head of this gang are sons of persons of high social position, resident in this city and elsewhere in Egypt.  When Capt. Turnley of the Quartermaster’s Department, came to Cairo, he found half a dozen intelligent contrabands, whom he fed, clothed, and employed as laborers in his Department. – Some time yesterday a man representing himself as a resident of Chicago, endeavored to induce them to go with him, telling them that they were free, and offered $30 a month for their services.  They refused the flattering offer, and an attempt was made by a mob, evidently controlled by the parties of standing above alluded to, to take possession of them.  This plan failed, and the negroes were placed in jail for safe keeping.  To-morrow the matter will be inquired into by the Provost-Marshal, and the guilty punished.”

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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