
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spirit of the Rebel Press

CAIRO, April 1.

F. B. Wilkie, of the New York Times, who accompanied the expedition to Union City, returned this evening with copies of the Memphis Appeal of the 27th, and the Charleston Mercury of the 22d, from which we condense the following intelligence:

President Davis, in secret session, had advised the Confederate Congress, that the prisoners released by the Yankee Government upon parole be absolved from their oath and allowed to take part in the approaching struggle for independence.  He urged it as a retaliation for the infamous and reckless breach of faith exhibited by Lincoln in the exchange of prisoners.

Attempts are being made to raise troops by conscription.  Editors and compositors are not to be enrolled, except for local duty.

The New Orleans Delta of the 26th, referring to the gallantry exhibited by Capt. Rucker in the defense of the battery at Island No. 10, says that one single battery has thus far sustained the brunt of the bombardment, repulsing the Federal gunboats and sending one of them back to Cairo crippled, for repairs.

The Appeal says the recent reverses on the Confederate army are nerving them with new faith and confidence in the hope and that it entertains no doubt of ultimate success.  Also that Gens. Van Dorn and Jeff Thompson are concentrating large forces at Pocahontas, Arkansas, preparatory to an attack upon the Federals at New Madrid, and that Gen. Pope will be compelled to evacuate.

No damage had been done to Island No. 10 up to Wednesday, but the Confederates had sunk two Federal gunboats.

The works at Fort Pillow were completed.  General Pope was building flatboats at New Madrid to transport his troops across the river to the Tennessee shore.

In Mississippi planters were piling up their cotton for fire and fagot.  Gen. Pillow has gone to Richmond.

A dispatch from New Orleans, dated March 26th states that the Confederate steamer Vanderbilt had foundered at sea with all on board.  The Appeal is issued on a half sheet.

The Mercury, in view of the scarcity of lead, suggests that linings of tea chests be melted and run into bullets.

The ladies of Charleston are contributing jewels, silver spoons, watches, and money to build a gunboat to be called the “Ladies Gunboat.”

The Mercury and Appeal contain extensive extracts from Northern papers, but no important military news.

The Conestoga arrived from Island No. 10 this evening, and reports no change in affairs there.  The mortars fire every half hour eliciting no response.

A rebel mail captured yesterday at Union City, contains letters from the Confederate troops at the Island representing the forces there as disheartened and dispirited.  There is nothing from Gen. Grant’s column.  The river is falling.

Today forty or fifty rebel soldiers came into Hickman and gave up their arms, and desired to return allegiance and join the federal army.

They were a portion of those who escaped from Union City yesterday.  They report that large numbers of rebel troops are also disposed to yield.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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