
Sunday, April 7, 2013

From Cairo

CAIRO, Man 28. – The river is still rising.  Six feet more will sweep over Fort Holt.

All kinds of reports are in circulation this evening in regard to a fight in Missouri.  The latest is that Gen. Payne is likely to cut off Jeff Thompson’s retreat at Sykestown, as it is believed that he cannot reach New Madrid by any other route, the late rains having filled the swamps with water, thus rendering them impassable.

Troops are still arriving.  A regiment from St. Louis arrived this evening.

Col. Doughtery made a contact with a Connecticut Yankee to-day for a new leg.  It is warranted superior to the original with the exception that should a ball strike it would bleed.

I learned from good authority to-day that the Chaplain in Col. Lawler’s regiment never makes his appearance except on pay day.

Quatermaster Baxter left for Washington on Saturday morning.  Capt. Turnley arrived to-day and will take possession as District Quartermaster.

Contractors are not so numerous as they were a few days ago.  Some of the railroad men are still smelling around after contracts.

CAIRO, Jan 29. – The 12th Iowa Regiment, Col. Wood, arrived yesterday.  It left for Smithland last evening.  It is armed with the Enfield rifle.

The 16th Illinois and the 18th Missouri Regiments are on the road hither.

The force composing the expedition which left Bird’s Point on Saturday are returning. – Nothing was accomplished except the capture of a number of Thompson’s men.

The country beyond Charleston was found to be infested with Guerilla bands who are plundering every one Union and rebel alike, but they would not make any stand for battle.

The Federal troops marched nearly to Sykestown.  Gen. Payne has determined to occupy Charleston.  For that purpose a regiment of infantry and a detachment of cavalry will remain at that place.

A large rebel mail containing several hundred letters, has been captured above this place on the Mississippi river.  It contained letters of importance from Bowling Green and other rebel camps.

It is now snowing hard here.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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