
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Iowa Legislature

(Special to Burlington Hawk-Eye)

DES MOINES, Man, 29, 1862

SENATE. – Mr. McCRARY, of Van Buren, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of reducing the salary of the Governor’s Aids.

The Committee on Ways and means reported a substitute for the House bill assuming the Federal tax.

The Military Committee reported a Joint resolution instructing the Governor to procure the balance of the State quota of arms for 1861-2 in long range rifles, instead of ordering muskets.

Mr. WOOLSON reported back from the committee of Ways and Means an act authorizing warrants issued by the Auditor on the War and Defence Fund to be receivable in payment of State taxes.  Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.  Also, a bill providing for the taxation of railroads.

The Senate bill making Iowa money and U. S. Treasury notes receivable for taxes was made the special order for to-morrow.  They spent the balance of the day in Committee of the Whole on Court of quarter sessions bill.

HOUSE. – Mr. FARRELL, of Johnson, introduced a bill exempting young orchards from taxation 10 years.

Mr. LANE, of Scott, introduced a bill authorizing an increase in the number of meetings of boards of supervisors in counties over 20,000 inhabitants.

Mr. ROTHROCK, of Cedar, offered a resolution giving all the foreigners now in our army full naturalization papers on their receiving an honorable discharge from such service.  Referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. McPHERSON, of the Senate, and EATON, of the House, were appointed a committee of Conference to-day on the division of the State into Congressional Districts.


HOUSE. – The military committee reported a joint resolution asking the attention of the War Department to the fact that the Eighth Iowa Regiment are without proper tents, have insufficient arms, and no ambulances or hospital stores, and urges that something should be done for their relief.  Also, a joint resolution asking the General Government to pay Col. Edward’s troops for service in Missouri last fall.

Mr. FLINT of Wapello, introduced an infamous bill providing that no negro or mulatto shall come into, or reside in the State without filing his free papers and giving bond in five hundred dollars, for good behavior, and a violation renders him liable to be taken up and hired out to the highest bidder, to the board of supervisors.  Also, granting the right of transit to masters with slaves, through this state.  The vote to indefinitely postpone was 74 to 15.

The House adopted the Senate bill assuming the direct tax of $452,000 annually, and authorizing the Government to notify the Secretary of the Treasury immediately.

SENATE. – The Senate adopted the bill giving jurors $1.50 per day and ten cents mileage, also passed the bill from the Committee of Ways and Means authorizing county Treasurers to receive U. S. Treasury notes and the issues of the State Bank of Iowa in payment of interest and principal of school fund.

PROMOTIONS. – Second Sergeant G. W. Harlan to First Lieut., Co. C, 4th Infantry; Sergeant Major F. Earle [sic], to First Lieut., Co. I, 8th Infantry; First Lieut. E. J. Weiser to Captaincy, Co. D, 3d Infantry; Capt. Stiver[s], 14th Infantry resigned.

Col. Noyes of the Governor’s staff, goes to Davenport to-morrow to superintend the shipment of clothing and hospital stores to Iowa troops in accordance with the resolution of the General Assembly, also if possible to consolidate the German regiment with the Sixteenth Regiment.

T. H. S.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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