
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Gen. Lane’s Expedition

LEAVENWORTH, Jan. 28. – The following general order issued by Major General Hunter has caused a sensation in civil and military circles:

In the expedition about to be started south from this Department, called in the newspapers, Gen. Lane’s Expedition, it is the intention of the Major General Commanding this Department, to command in person unless otherwise expressly ordered by the Government.  Transportation not having been supplied we must go without it, all tents, trunks, chests, chairs, camp tables, clothes &c., must be at once stored or abandoned.  The General Commanding takes in his valise but one change of clothing and no officer or soldier will carry more.  The surplus room in the knapsack must be preserved for ammunition and provisions.

Every officer and soldier will carry his own clothing and bedding.  The General commanding has applied to the Government for six Brigadier-Generals, that this command may be properly organized, and, until their arrival, it is necessary that he should appoint acting Brigadier Generals from the senior Colonels.  To enable him to do so, in accordance with the order in the subject, each Colonel will immediately report the date on which he was mustered into the service of the United States.

Major General Commanding

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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