
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Specials to the New York Papers

(Special to Post.)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. – Gen. McClellan was before the Van Wyck Contracts Investigating Committee to-day.

Mr. Henderson, the New Missouri Senator, is in favor of the expulsion of Bright.

It is proposed to modify the language of the resolution, in which shape it will probably pass.

Extensive frauds have been discovered in army contracts in Philadelphia, and two members of the committee on the conduct of the war have left for Philadelphia to investigate the affair.

(Times correspondence.)

The House Committee on Commerce at their meeting to-day, authorized  Gen. Ward to report on the Canadian reciprocity treaty.  The report will suggest a number of important changes, making it more equal and favorable to the U. S.

Certain prisoners released from Richmond and returned here to-day say that of all the clothing forwarded to them by Gen. Wool from Ft. Monroe, some months since, by way of Norfolk, care of Gen. [Huger], not one garment ever reached Richmond.  It is supposed they were appropriated by the confederates.

(Tribune’s Dispatch.)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. – The Special Committee on the defences and fortifications of lakes and rivers had an important meeting this morning.  General McClellan laid before the Committee many facts showing the importance of immediate action.  He favors the fortification of a few commanding points, such as Mackinaw, Fort Gratiot, and some place on the Sault St. Marie canal, and the reliance elsewhere upon naval defences, to supply which he recommends the establishment of one or more depots of arms on the lakes.  It is understood that the Committee concur in the General’s views and will make a report in accordance therewith at an early day.

The statement that the House Committee on the District of Columbia has decided to report against the abolition of slavery in the District is untrue.  Whatever is the sentiments of the committee they have not yet been expressed by the vote.  Mr. Upton, of Virginia, to whom the question was referred reported orally that in his judgment, it was inexpedient at present.  No action was taken upon his report, but Mr. Ashley gave notice that if a majority of the Committee espoused Mr. Upton’s views he should submit to a minority report to the House, accompanied by a bill providing for the immediate abolition of slavery within the District.

Gen. Stoneman, Chief of Cavalry, has recommended the consolidation of the seventy seven regiments of volunteer cavalry into fifty regiments.  He advised that the field and line officers already mustered in be examined by a Board of Officers who shall sift out at least one third, and recommends the men also be sifted and those not fit for horsemen mustered as infantry our mustered out altogether.

Mr. Tucker was confirmed to-day as Assistant Secretary of War, and Frederick Steele of Missouri, as Brigadier General.

Secretary Seward has issued an order to Ward H. Lamon, Marshal of the District, instructing him not to receive or retain in his custody any persons claimed to be held to labor or servitude unless they are charged with crimes or are held as fugitive slaves under the law of Congress, and to retain none claimed a fugitives longer than thirty days, unless in compliance with a special order emanating from some competent tribunal.

(Times Dispatch.)

Secretary Stanton was shown private letters to-day from Kentucky containing important and extraordinary statements regarding the battle at Somerset, to wit.  That one entire rebel regiment threw down their arms in the conflict and declared their purpose no longer to fight against the government.  This example was followed by companies and individuals of other regiments and accounts for the complete failure and small slaughter attending a deliberate confederate attack.

Gen. Thomas is not pursuing Zollicoffer’s defeated army, the road’s and inadequate transportation not permitting.  He is building a road of thirty miles in length to render his advance into Tennessee easy and permanent.

A deserter from Stuart’s 2nd Cavalry came in our lines this morning and was brought to Secretary Stanton.  He reports Beauregard gone to Kentucky with 5,000 men.

Gen. Smith succeeds in the command at Centreville.

The deserter reports suffering among the rebels from a lack of suitable clothing, salt, coffee, &c.  They have plenty of meat and bread.

(Herald Specials.)

About a dozen vessels ran the blockade of the Potomac yesterday, some up and some down the river.  None were fired at.

Last night the Reliance went down to convoy two transports.  Sixty or seventy shots were fired at them, but with what effect is unknown.

The confirmation of Gen. Stoneman as chief of Cavalry and Gen. Barry as Chief of Artillery have been delayed by an opposition arising from charges brought by personal enemies of the Generals.  They will probably be confirmed in spite of such influence.

On account of some malicious representatives the nomination of Gen. Sturgis was not sent to the Senate with the list of other nominations as Brigadier Generals.

Gen. Sturgis had an interview with the President to-day, and his nomination was immediately sent to the Senate to date for his original appointment.

There is no doubt that Gen. Stone will be deposed and another General not now named will be detailed to the command of the division at Poolsville.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

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