
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Post Hospital

Yesterday we paid a visit to the Hospital at this place.  We found there some seventy patients belonging to the 5th Iowa and 37th Illinois, and also some of the 1st Iowa Cavalry and Merrill’s Horse, wounded at the battle of Silver Creek, who, we are glad to say, are all rapidly recovering.  The whole arrangements of the hospital are excellent. – The rooms are kept warm and are as clean and neat as any hospitals in the Eastern cities.  The patients all seemed well satisfied with the treatment received.  They have excellent attendance by the numerous nurses, and in every case have as good care as they would have at home.  Dr. Carpenter, the Assistant surgeon of the 5th Iowa, has recently been appointed Post Surgeon, who besides an able and efficient Surgeon gives his unwearied and undivided attention to mitigate sufferings of the sick and wounded soldiers. – The friends of the soldiers in the 5th Iowa may rest assured that when the men are sick, they have as good attendance as can be afforded.  It is true that on a march the accommodations are not great, but every attention is paid to their wants and comforts that can be procured.  Dr. Carpenter is assisted by Dr. Haas of Booneville, and Mr. Smith, one of the best Stewards in the service. – {5th Iowa Register, Booneville, Mo.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 3

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