
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To My Children


Darlings – I am weary – pining;
Shadows fall across my way
I can hardly see the lining
Of the clouds – the silver lining
Turning darkness into day.

I am weary of the sighing
Moaning – wailing through the air
Breaking hearts, in anguish crying
For the lost ones – for the dying
Sobbing anguish of despair.

I am weary of the fighting
Brothers red with brother’s gore
Only, that the wrong we’re righting –
Truth and Honor’s battle fighting –
I would draw my sword no more.

I am pining dearest, pining
For your kisses on my cheek
For your dear arms round me twining
For your soft eyes on me shining
For your lov’d words darlings – speak.

Tell me in your earnest prattle
Of the olive branch and dove
Call me from the cannon’s rattle
Take my thoughts away from battle
Fold me in your dearest love.

Darlings – I am weary pining
Shadows fall across my way,
I can hardly see the lining
Of the clouds – the silver lining
Turning darkness into day.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 3

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