
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Iowa Homeopathic Medical Association

A number of practitioners of the Homeopathic school, from different parts of the State, assembled in Convention in this city yesterday, for the purpose of organizing a State Medical Society, to aid in disseminating the peculiar theories of the followers of Hahnemann.

The Convention met at 10 o’clock A. M.

On motion of Dr. Guilbert, of Dubuque, Dr. C. Pearson of Mt. Pleasant was appointed Chairman pro tem.

On motion of Dr. Paine, of Burlington, Dr. Austin, of Muscatine, was elected Secretary of the Association.

The chairman named the following committee on constitution and by-laws: Drs. Guilbert, of Dubuque, Paine, of Burlington, Worley, of Davenport, Waggoner, of Wyoming.

Drs. Worley and Paine were appointed a committee on organization.


The constitution and by-laws, as reported by the committee on the subject, were accepted and adopted.

The committee on permanent organization made the following report:

Dr. Prince, of Davenport, President; Dr. Jackson, First Vice President; Dr. Austin, Second Vice President; Dr. Guilbert, Secretary and Treasurer.

CENSORS. – Drs. Worley, Pearson, Waggoner, Williams and Payne [sic].

Drs. Paine, Austin, and Pearson were appointed a committee on scientific subjects.

The committee reported the names of the following gentlemen, and the subject on which the report at the next annual meeting, as follows:

Dr. Paine, Physical Education; Dr. Guilbert, Diptheria; Dr. Worley, Stimulants; Dr. Austen, Surgical Diseases; Dr. Pearson, Hereditary Transmission of Disease; Dr. Waggoner, Epilepsy; Dr. Jackson, Pneumonia.

On motion of Dr. Guilbert, the place of holding the next annual meeting was fixed at Dubuque.

On motion of Dr. Austin, Dr. Pearson was appointed to deliver the next annual address.

An informal debate here took place on various medical subjects.

The Convention then adjourned.

The Society numbers about twenty-one members.  There are about thirty practitioners of the school in the State.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 1

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