
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Local Matters

THE WEEKLY GAZETTE is published this morning.  It contains all the matter of the Daily during the past week, including correspondence, etc.  Send it off to your friends that they may learn Iowa is in the field with her brave troops, fighting for the stars and stripes.

SOMETHING NEW. – Ladies’ seamless vomp gaiters, new style, never before offered in this city, to be found only at Ordway’s new store, no. 26 Le Claire Row.  dlw

An extensive fire occurred in the town of Alexandria, Mo., opposite Keokuk, on Sunday morning last, consuming property to the amount of $45,000.  The Keokukers went over and assisted to extinguish the flames.

RELEASED. – Frank Collins, arrested by Officer Teagarden on Monday evening, on a warrant issued by Coroner Tomson, was yesterday released, there being no legal evidence to sustain the charge against him.

ALMOST A FIRE. – An attempt at fire occurred in a shed in the rear of Mr. R. E. Sickels’ residence, corner of Thirteenth and Main streets, night before last.  It was discovered and extinguished before any great amount of harm was done.

WILD RICE. – We are indebted to Mr. Jas. D. Hogarty for a package of wild rice, the native product of Wisconsin.  We have eaten of this rice and found it almost equal to the Southern production, being darker, more substantial and of different favor.  It is preferred by some to the Southern article.

CHARITY NOT NEEDED. – We published a not the day before yesterday, stating that Mrs. Knoeke, of this city was in an actual suffering condition.  We are informed since, by the woman herself, that such is not the case, nor is she in condition to appeal to the public for charity.

PROMPT ADJUSTMENT. – We are informed that Messrs. A. Green & Co., and C. E. Converse, who were losers of grain by the recent fire which destroyed the Elevator, have received from the New England and Lorillard companies full satisfaction for the losses sustained at that fire.

BOOTS AND SHOES. – Neighbor Todd returned home yesterday, after a trip to the East, where he has purchased an extensive lot of boots and shoes, ladies’ slippers, gaiters, and everything in his line, which he is receiving and opening at his store, Todd’s well-known corner.

NEW GOODS constantly arriving at Ordway’s, manufactured expressly for the retail trade, which he is selling at prices that will defy competition.  Every one in want of boots and shoes should call upon him before purchasing, for people do say that he is selling a good quality of goods cheaper than any other house in the city.    dlw

ROYAL ARCH-MASONS. – At a regular convocation of Davenport Chapter No. 16, Royal Arch Masons, held in Masonic Hall, on the evening of the 20th inst., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: O. H. Watson, High Priest; Geo. H. French, King; P. L. Cone; Scribe; Samuel Perry, Captain of the Host; F. H. Griggs, Principal Sojourner; W. W. Parker, Royal Arch Captain; E. Y. Lane, Treasure; A. P. Luse, Secretary; R. D. Myers, Grand Master of the Third Veil; W. A. Remington, do Second Veil; J. J. Burtis, do First Veil; G. G. Jones, Guard.

Insurance against fire and the perils of inland transportation, and life insurance, can be had of W. F. ROSS, general insurance agent, Metropolitan building, who will not represent any but the most reliable companies.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 1

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