
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Governor Henry A. Wise to Governor William F. Packer, November 25, 1859

Richmond, Va., November 25, 1859.
To His Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylvania:

Dear Sir — I respectfully send to you the information contained in a letter to the President of the United States, of which the enclosed is a copy. I submit it to you in the confidence that you will faithfully co-operate with the authorities of this State in preserving the peace of our coterminous borders. Necessity may compel us to pursue invaders of our jurisdiction into yours; if so, you may be assured that it will be done with no disrespect to the sovereignty of your State. But this State expects the confederate duty to be observed, of guarding your territory from becoming dangerous to our peace and safety, by affording places of depot and rendezvous to lawless desperadoes who may seek to make war upon our people.

With the highest respect,
I am, sir, yours truly,

SOURCE: George Edward Reed, Editor, Pennsylvania Archives, Fourth Series, Volume 8, Papers of the Governors, 1858-1871, p. 197

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