
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Grenville M. Dodge to Colonel Robert Means, May 8, 1861

Headquarters Mil. Div. Western Iowa,
Council Bluffs, May 8, 1861.
Colonel Means:

Dear Sir: — I am informed that you are in command of the military company in Woodbury county. As your point is considered one of importance on our frontier, I am instructed to urge upon you the importance of an immediate and thorough organization, and that you will report your command immediately to me that arms can be forwarded you as soon as they reach this place. The Governor has placed the organization of the western portion of the State under separate command, and one or more regiments will be immediately formed and placed in condition for actual service.

The company should be thoroughly drilled, and if possible adopt some cheap and durable uniform. I shall endeavor to have some arrangements made for quick communication with your place and would suggest that couriers from your command be provided that in case of difficulty it may be reported immediately at headquarters. The companies in Monona and Harrison, as soon as they report, will be instructed in this matter.

Very respectfully,
Acting Adjutant.

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 136

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