
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Marcus Spring to Mary Ann Day Brown, April 6, 1860

Eagleswood, Perth Amboy, N. J., April 6th, 1860.

Do not feel at all troubled, or imagine that we have the least feeling of blame towards you, that the two daughters did not come here to school. We should have been delighted to have had them here, and as it had been pretty generally talked of, that they were expected here, we naturally felt a little disappointed at first, but, on the whole, as these Mass. friends were the old friends of your husband, and they are there nearer your home and the school an excellent one, we do not doubt that your decision was a wise and good one and we rejoice that while it secures the means of education to them, it allows (with your consent) the $250 to go to other members of the family, in whom we also feel deep interest and sympathy.

We shall send the checks tomorrow, as you have designated.

It will always give us pleasure to hear of your prosperity and happiness. . . .

Any storekeeper will give you the money for this check.

SOURCE: Lillie Buffum Chace Wyman and Arthur Crawford Wyman, Elizabeth Buffum Chace, 1806-1899: Her Life and Its Environment, Volume 1, p. 353

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