
Sunday, August 3, 2014

J. L. Fleming to General Pierre G. T. Beauregard, November 1, 1864

Corinth, Mississippi, November 1st, 1864.
General G. T. Beauregard.

I fear you have greatly over-estimated the capacity and condition of this railroad to transport the supplies for General Hood's Army.

Most of the bridges between here and Okolona were destroyed and recently only patched up to pass a few trains of supplies for General Forrest, and are liable to be swept away by freshets which we may soon expect. The cross-ties are so much decayed that three trains ran off yesterday, and the track will be still worse in rainy weather.

I have called upon General Taylor for additional labor, and will use every effort to forward the supplies, but deem it due to you to advise you of the true condition of the road.

Chief Engineer and General Superintendent M. & O. R. R.

SOURCES:  John Bell Hood, Advance and Retreat, p. 271-2

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