
Sunday, August 3, 2014

James L. Autry to Commander Samuel P. Lee, May 18, 1862

Vicksburg, Miss., May 18, 1862.
S. P. LEE,
Comdg. Advance of Naval Division, U.S. S. Oneida:

SIR: As your communication of this date is addressed “To the authorities of Vicksburg,” and that you may have a full reply to the said communication, I have to state that Mississippians don't know and refuse to learn how to surrender to an enemy. If Commodore Farragut or Brigadier-General Butler can teach them, let them come and try.

As to the defenses of Vicksburg, I respectfully refer you to Brigadier-General Smith, commanding forces at or near Vicksburg, whose reply is herewith inclosed.*


Military Governor and Colonel Commanding Post.

* See Smith’s Report, p. 7.

SOURCES: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 15 (Serial No. 21), p. 13

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