
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Governor Thomas H. Hicks to Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Butler, April 24, 1861

State of Maryland, Executive Chamber, ANNAPOLIS, April 24th, 1861
 Brig. Gen’l. B. F. BUTLER

SIR: A despatch signed by you, addressed to Governor A. Curtin, has been received by me, with a verbal request that I countersign it, and have it forwarded to its address.

In reference to the Arsenal at Pikesville I have no official information. I do not know who is in the possession of it. I am cut off from all communication with other parts of the State, and have no means to forward. your despatch, if I were willing to countersign it. I am compelled therefore, to decline to accede to your request.

Very Respectfully, Yr. Obdt. Servi.,
THos. H. HICKs

SOURCE: Jessie Ames Marshall, Editor, Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler During the Period of the Civil War, Volume 1: April 1860 – June 1862, p. 36

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