
Saturday, November 5, 2016

John Brown to Mary Ann Day Brown, March 31, 1857

Springfield, Mass., March 31, 1857.

Dear Wife, — Your letter of the 21st is just received. I have only to say as regards the resolution of the boys to “learn and practice war no more,” that it was not at my solicitation that they engaged in it at first; and that while I may perhaps feel no more love of the business than they do, still I think there may be possibly in their day what is more to be dreaded, if such things do not now exist. . . . I have just got a long letter from Mr. Adair. All middling well, March 11, but had fears of further trouble after a while.

Your affectionate husband,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 388

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