
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Gerrit Smith to Franklin B. Sanborn, January 22, 1859

Peterboro’, Jan. 22, 1859.

My Dear Sir, — I have yours of the 19th. I am happy to learn that the Underground Railroad is so prosperous in Kansas. I cannot help it now, in the midst of the numberless calls upon me. But I send you twenty-five dollars, which I wish you to scud to our noble friend John Brown. Perhaps you can get some other contributions to send along with it. He is doubtless in great need of all be can get. The topography of Missouri is unfavorable. Would that a spur of the Alleghany extended from the east to the west borders of the State! Mr. Morton has not yet returned. We hope he may come to-night.

In haste, your friend,
Gerrit Smith.
P. S. Dear Theodore Parker! May Heaven preserve him to us!

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 483

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