
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, Saturday, January 20, 1849

Sat. 20 Jany.

I see the correspondent of the Enquirer suggests that the Dems. will vote against Riddle's bill. Would not that be a grand move? Mama gave little Jack a piece of pie. Jack pouted and wanted a whole one. Mama said “no.” Jack flung down the piece offered and said he would have none. He would go to bed without his supper, that he would, before he would take such a little piece. Mama said “go,” and Jack got neither pie nor piece. Consult Esop for the moral.

Swift acted nobly in regard to the Governor business: I am glad that the credit of settling that matter belongs to him. He is a first rate man; and if he, Smart, Townshend, Riddle, Morse & Van Doren would form a caucus, or nucleus of one, there might be a real free soil party in the Legislature; and Townshend & Morse might be greatly strengthened.

I have mentioned to Hoadly what you say about his article. He says, “Make any use of it you please; but no use which you think will injure the cause.” He has no sensitiveness of authorship. Make an article of it or lay it aside altogether, as you think best. But is it not important to bring distinctly to view the fact that at the time of the Election of Shuber there was no Free Soil Caucus properly speaking but only a caucus of Whig Free Soilers? And that T. &. M. have always been in favor of a Free Soil Caucus or conference on the principles laid down by the State Convention.

It is a shame that you should be compelled, in your circumstances to sacrifice so much for the cause. I do hope that soon the necessity for it may be removed. In the meantime, though I am not a little straitened myself, you are perfectly at liberty to draw on me for fifty dollars, and we will settle it when convenient to yourself.

Write me as often and as much in detail as you can.

P. S. Do you hear anything from Bolton? He has not written me. I fear he dont like what I said of Bliss.

SOURCE: Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 154-5

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