
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Flarece P. Gault to William Still, March 22, 1858

Boston, March 22, 1858.

MY DEAR SIR: — I received your photograph by Mr  Cooper and it afforded me much pleasure to do so i hope that these few lines may find you and your family well as it leaves me and little Dicky at present i have no interesting news to tell you more than there is a great revival of religion through the land i all most forgoten to thank you for your kindness and our little Dick he is very wild and goes to school and it is my desire and prayer for him to grow up a useful man i wish you would try to gain some information from Norfolk and write me word how the times are there for i am afraid to write i wish yoo would see the Doctor for me and ask him if he could carefully find out any way that we could steal little Johny for i think to raise nine or ten hundred dollars for such a child is outraigust just at this time i feel as if i would rather steal him than to buy him give my kinde regards to the Dr and his family tell Miss Margret and Mrs Landy that i would like to see them out here this summer again to have a nice time in Cambridge Miss Walker that spent the evening with me in Cambridge sens much love to yoo and Mrs. Landy give my kindes regards to Mrs Still and children and receive a portion for yoo self i have no more to say at present but remain yoor respectfully.


When you write direct you letters Mrs. Flarece P. Gault, No 62 Pinkney St.

SOURCES: The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia, Monday, July 27, 1857, p. 4; William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 171-2

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