
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Senator Salmon P. Chase to Edward S. Hamlin, April 16, 1850

Washington, Ap1. 16, 1850.

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Benton fights bravely the battle for California & Freedom against the whole array of the slaveholders, reinforced by Cass, Whitcomb, Bright, Dickinson & Webster! The old man says, in consequence of his position, some things not very palatable to us, but something surely may be pardoned to him who displays a political heroism unparalleled in our time.

P. S. I send you my speech. I have no reason to complain of the degree of credit awarded to it even by those who dissent [?] from its position. I hope you will like it.

SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. ChaseAnnual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 210

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