
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Francis Hoover’s Advertisement for the Return of Alfred, a Fugitive Slave, June 19, 1857

$200 REWARD. — Ran away from the subscriber, living in the city of Baltimore, on Monday, June 15th, Negro Man ALFRED, calls himself ALFRED GOUGH, a butcher by trade[.]  Said negro is 26 years of age, black, about five feet four and a-half inches high, broad shoulders, very thick set, has thick bushy hair, carries himself erect, walks very quick, and has rather a down look when spoken to.  He had on when he left a black Alpaca frock coat, striped summer vest, black pants[,] fine boots and a light colored cloth cap.  He also took with him numerous other clothing not recollected.  I will give the above reward for his apprehension.

FRANCIS HOOVER,                      
Gen. Wayne Inn.

SOURCE: The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, Friday, June 19, 1857, p. 3

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