
Thursday, September 5, 2019

William J. Berry’s advertisement for the return of David Green, a Fugitive Slave, June 19, 1857

$200 REWARD. — Ran away from the subscriber, living near Upper Marlboro’, Prince George’s county, Md., on the 29th of April, Negro man DAVID GREEN, about 27 years of age; 5 foot 6 inches high, a dark mulatto.  He has a bushy head and whiskers around his face, and a down look.  He may hire himself in Washington city, where he has relatives, or make his way to some free State.  As he left without any provocation I will give $200 if taken out of the State of Maryland, and $100 if in the State or the District of Columbia.  In either case he must be secured so I may get him again.


SOURCE: The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, Friday, June 19, 1857, p. 3

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