
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Private Daniel L. Ambrose: July 25, 1861

[A]fter returning to Mound City, the regiment is mustered out of the three months' service the twenty-fifth of July, and on the same day is mustered into the three years' service by Captain Pitcher, U. S. A.

The story of Bull Run's battle field is now borne to our ears. Its wail has gone to the hearts of a throbbing people. The hearts of the men beat high to carry the flag into the Southland. This part of the Seventh's history I have seen fit to make brief; being anxious to lead the reader on as fast as possible to the days when the deep intonations of battle were heard. Days when the dogs of war barked loudly in tones of thunder around where the old Seventh's flag ofttimes stood encircled by a barricade of steel.

SOURCES: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 10

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