
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Private Daniel L. Ambrose: July 7, 1861

The regiment's period of enlistment is now drawing to a close, and it has not been out of its native State. The drums are now beating for volunteers to fill up the call made on the fourth of May for three years'troops. The Seventh stood on the banks of the Ohio. They looked southward and they knew that they had not been down there where the wicked enemies of freedom trailed the old flag. They had performed the engagements the government had required of them; but sanguine hearts had been disappointed, and the country was calling again for defenders. The majority of the Seventh say they will stay; that they will re-enlist; that they will harken to every demand the country makes for the defense of her honor and glory. Those re-enlisting are given a short furlough to their homes[.]

SOURCES: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 9-10

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