
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Co. B Reunion

The 44th annual reunion of the surviving members Co. B, 19th Ill. Vol. Inft. Was held at the home of W. H. Boardman, in the village of Osceola, Stark county, Illinois September 17, 1908.

There were present the following members of the company:

James Montooth, Toulon.
David Jackson, Toulon.
Robert Fell, Toulon.
I. M. Spencer, Neponset.
R. A. Gardner, Neponset.
George Dugan, Bedford, Iowa.

Besides the above named members the following widows of members were present.  Mrs. Louisa Jackson, Mrs. Samuel Montooth, Mrs. James Boardman, Mrs. C. H. Drury, Mrs. E. W. Houghton, Mrs. G. W. Ried, Mrs. Lucy Robinson, Mrs. Lewis Williams.

Letters from the following:

George P. Ritchie, Prophetstown, Ill.
A. T. Johnson, Huntington, W. Va.
Walter Clark, Pentwater, Mich.
Mrs. Kate Luce, Murray, Iowa.
John Douglas, Malcolm, Iowa.

Soldiers of other regiments were in attendance as follows: Robert Parks, C. E. Bishop, G. W. Reid, Dora Vandike, A. G. Froth, Carlos Lyle and also the following confederate soldiers: A. R. Tomlinson, David Farmer.

The time before dinner was passed in visiting and getting acquainted. The tables were set in Boardman hall and were set for fifty guests. They were filled three times before all were served, and the waiters said enough food was left for fifty more. It is wonderful how the good women will provide for the inner man, and all of the very best food.

The following was the program:

Music, The Osceola Military band.
Song, “Welcome,” double quartet.
Invocation, Rev. Slyter.
Song, “Illinois,” Jackson Trio.
Recitation, “The Blue and the Gray,” Mamie Girven.
Recitation, “Music in Camp,” Miss Minnie Hallock.
Song, “We’re Growing Old Together,” Boys’ Quartet.
Recitation, “Widder Budd,” Mrs. Eugene Hill.
Poem, “Days of ’61,” read by the author, J. F. Reed.

The address was by Rev. B. E. Allen, pastor of the church at Osceola, and was patriotic and to the point. Mr. Allen has lived about 14 years in the South.

Besides a free and eloquent delivery, he was well fitted for the place he was called to fill, giving his audience a clear insight of the feeling both north and south.

The program was closed by prayer by Rev. Slyter.

The officers who were elected for the coming year are as follows:

President, I. M. Spencer.
Vice President, George Dugan.
Secretary and treasurer, Robert Fell.

Place of next meeting, at the home of G. W. Reid, Bradford.

The Officers constitute the executive committee.

And thus passes another milestone. Of our small number, Thomas Oziah and C. H. Drury have crossed the river and mustered with the comrades on the other shore, since last year. The boys in blue are rapidly fading away.

Since the reunion I have received letters from Asa Clark, Long Beach Calif., and Mrs. James Cinnamon, Davenport, Iowa.

ROBERT FELL, Secretary.

SOURCE: The Stark County News, Toulon, Stark County, Illinois, Wednesday, September 23, 1908, p. 1

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