
Saturday, April 10, 2021


Members of Co. B. 19th Ill., Meet in Reunion at Home of George Dugan, in Ladoga, Iowa.

The Annual reunion of Co. B, 19th Illinois Infantry, was held at the home of George Dugan, at Ladoga, Iowa, on October 4,1900.

Only a few soldiers out of the company where present and they were as follows: Capt. A. Murchison and wife, of Kewanee, Ill.; James Montooth, Toulon, Ill.; Dr. J. G. Boardman, Bradford, Ill., John T. Thornton, Farragut, Ia.; Alonzo Luce, Murray, Ia.; Robert Turnbull, Cain Ia.; R. T. Scott, Pawnee City, Neb., and George Dugan, Ladoga, Ia.

The G. A. R. post, of Bedford Ia., conveyed them to Mr. Dugan’s home, where they soon met his family and neighbors.  There were seventy in number who ate a picnic dinner, and a general good time was enjoyed by all.

After the dinner hour was closed the old soldiers had their regular routine of business, and then proceeded to entertain their friends.  Some old time songs of the sixties were sung and appreciated by all.

The next reunion will be their 40th anniversary and will be held in in the church yard at Osceola, Ill., where they started with a full company to the war on June 11, 1861.

At present there are only about forty-five members of the company living, and about one hundred dead with the recruits they had during the war.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Trimmer, of Corning Ia., were present and enjoyed a visit with old time friends.

We trust that more of the members will be able to meet together next year.

SOURCE: The Stark County News, Toulon, Stark County, Illinois, Friday, October 12, 1900, p. 1

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