
Saturday, May 6, 2023

“Good-by’s Letter”* to John Brown, November 26, 1859

November 26th.

My Dear Mr Brown i have been Goeing to send you a few lines for this last three weeks but Owing to my work i could not find the time as i am a Poor Man and have to work very hard but i colld not rest without writting as a little Comfort to you as a young Convert on my way to heaven i have felt & shed tears for you from the bottom of my heart i have thought of you often in the dead hours of Night God bless you as been my Prayers and he will bless you for i expct you will ware a bright crown in heaven yes Glory be to God thare is a Place Prepared for you in that better & happy land whare we will meet to part no more God bless you Good bye.

* So labelled by John Brown.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 398

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