
Saturday, May 6, 2023

James Forman to John Brown, November 26, 1859

Youngsville, Warren Co., Penn., Nov. 26.

. . . I have always held you in grateful remembrance, as the best friend I ever had, and to whom I owe every thing for whatever I am or may be; for which I shall always bear you in mind; and any thing I can do for any of your family hereafter, will be most cheerfully done. . . . My wife sends her best respects to you and yours; believing that your mind is fully made up to put your trust in God, who works all things after the counsel of his own will, and for the best possible good. Yours truly,


* See reply "Public Life," p. 368.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 398

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