
Sunday, June 4, 2023

E. T. to John Brown, November 26, 1859

NEW YORK, November 26, 1859

Dear Sir: Will you favor me with your autograph, which I will highly prize as the best memento of one who is about to sacrifice his life in a great and noble cause. Pardon my intrusion upon your last moments for that which may seem to you of little moment or consequence; but I assure you that it will be ever retained by me with that respect which is due the name of a man who makes so great a sacrifice. May He who is no respecter of persons, guide and sustain you in these the last moments of your existence, and safely lead you to that home which awaits you, is the humble prayer of your obedient servant,

E. T.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 408-9

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