
Sunday, June 4, 2023

L. W. T. to John Brown, November 29, 1859

 New York, Thursday, November 24.

My Dear Friend: The writer of this letter to you may be personally unknown, but is a deep sympathizer, in connection with thousands of others, whose hearts are engaged in prayer for you and your fellow prisoners, who are now under sentence of death in the prison of Virginia, for entertaining the principles of Freedom and Liberty to the captive in bonds, as though in bonds with him. Your cause is a good one. Bear up, brave warrior! under the approaching trial and the day that you will be called upon to seal the truth with your blood! These are the days that try men's souls, and are like the days of old in which the martyrs fought, bled, and died. No doubt but on the day of execution, millions of prayers will be offered up to the God of Heaven and earth in your behalf, from Christian hearts, who feel with you and for you; and of this you may have the fullest assurance in the hour of trial.

Ever yours in truth and friendship,
L. W. T.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 409

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