
Friday, May 29, 2020

William H. Seward to Reverdy Johnson, June 10, 1862

Washington, June 10, 1862.

SIR: You are aware that complaints have been made of recent proceedings of Major-General Butler, at New Orleans, in reference to foreign consuls, and particularly the consul of the Netherlands there. It being desirable to have the complaints investigated by a commissioner of high character and acknowledged ability, the President has selected you for the purpose. You will receive herewith a copy of all the papers on the subject in this Department, including memoranda of conversations between Lord Lyons and myself, Mr. Mercier and myself, and correspondence between Mr. Roest Van Limburg, the minister of the Netherlands, and this Department. You will proceed to New Orleans by the earliest opportunity and will lose no time in making your inquiries, which should be as thorough and impartial as circumstances may permit.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

[Inclosure No. 1.]

 [Inclosure No. 2.]

[Inclosure No. 3.]

[Inclosure No. 4.]

 [Inclosure No. 5.—Translation.]

[Inclosure No. 6. —Translation.]

[Inclosure No. 7. —Translation.]

[Inclosure No. 8.]

[Inclosure No. 9.]

[Inclosure No. 10.—Translation.]

[Inclosure No. 11. —Translation.]

[Inclosure No. 12.]

[Inclosure No. 13.]

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series III, Volume 2 (Serial No. 123), p. 115-6, Sub-inclosures, p. 116-139

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