Wednesday, October 8, 2008

From A Young Copperhead In Pekin, To His Brother in the 8th Ill. Infantry

Dear Sir:– I understand you have turned to be a “Black Republican.” If so, G-d D—m you. I heard that some of the tories in the “8th” Reg’t. had wrote home and said that if they was a war broke out here they was coming home. Let them come and be D----d. If they won’t be glad to get back again. They must remember that all of the shot guns haint broke yet, and if they come, they will go back with their hands in a sling. I have got a gun and I’ll be D----d if I don’t use it to on any one of the D----d robbers that comes. Any one that turns to be a Republican is a D----d traitor to his country. There is enough at home yet at home to take their own part and if the tory “8th” don’t believe it let them come up and try it on. – A letter I heard the other day The writer said that he thought “the enemy was in the rear.” He said that if “the 8th Reg’t. comes up here they would string some of the traitors up. Let them try it on if they want to, and they will find it aint just as they say.”

E. L. D.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, June 4, 1863

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