Showing posts with label Shiloh National Cemetery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shiloh National Cemetery. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2013

John Rice

Private, Co. E, 11th Iowa Infantry

Section G
Shiloh National Cemetery

EDITOR’S NOTE:  According to the Shiloh Monument Location System, John P. Rice (middle initial also verified using the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System) is buried in Section G, grave # 2061, Shiloh National Cemetery.  Both his pension index card (located and the Roster and Record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the RebellionVol. 2, p. 376 list his middle initial as “T.”


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, Sunday, April 20, 1862

John T. Rice, a member of Company E, Eleventh Iowa, was buried this afternoon with military honors.2  He died of his wound accompanied with fever. Three other men who died of disease were also buried today. We learned that Wilson Simmons of Company E died of lung fever on the 15th at Mound City, Illinois.

2 Rice was buried in the Shiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, his grave being 175, Section 9. — A. G. D.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 45.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  According to the Shiloh Monument Location System, John P. Rice (middle initial also verified using the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System) is buried in Section G, grave # 2061, Shiloh National Cemetery.  Both his pension index card (located via and the Roster and Record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, Vol. 2, p. 376 list his middle initial as “T.”

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Officer’s Circle: Shiloh National Cemetery



KNOWN 1229.


Corporal, 12th Tennessee Cavalry (USA)


1st Lieutenant, Co. C, 21st Missouri Infantry

Private, Co. 1, 181st Ohio Infantry

Quartermaster, USS Essex, United States Navy

Monday, October 29, 2012

William Lester

1st Lieutenant, Co. C, 21st Missouri Infantry (USA)

Officer’s Circle
Shiloh National Cemetery

Saturday, October 27, 2012

John L. Miller

Corporal, 12th Tennessee Cavalry, USA
Died April 19, 1865, Eastport, Mississippi

Officer’s Circle
Shiloh National Cemetery

NOTE:  I believe when this headstone was ordered the handwritten abbreviation for corporal, "corpl." was misread as "capt."  Considering 19th century handwriting it is an easy transcription error to make.  I have checked the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, as well as his Compiled Service Records and his Pension index card on and none of his records list him with the rank of captain at any time.