Organized at Gallipolis, Ohio, and mustered in September 18,
1864. Left State for Nashville, Tenn., September 18, arriving there October 1.
Attached to Post and Defences of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to
March, 1865. 3rd Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the
Cumberland, to June, 1865.
SERVICE. – Assigned to guard duty at Nashville, Tenn., till
February, 1865. Occupation of Nashville during Hood's investment December 1-15,
1864. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Guarding prisoners at Nashville till
February, 1865. Moved to Columbia, Tenn., February 15. Duty there and at
Johnsonville till June 20. Moved to Nashville June 20, and there mustered out
June 26. Disbanded at Camp Dennison, Ohio, July 5, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 108 Enlisted men by disease.
SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War
of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1553