Showing posts with label 12th MO INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12th MO INF. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

12th Missouri Infantry.

Organized at St. Louis, Mo., August, 1861. Attached to Fremont's Army of the West to January, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Army of Southwest Missouri, to February, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to May, 1862. 3rd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to July, 1862. District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 11th Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, to September, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, to November, 1864.

SERVICE.—Fremont's advance on Springfield, Mo., September to November, 1861. Moved to Jefferson City, thence to Sedalia and Springfield. To Wilson's Creek October 6-8. Duty at Rolla till January, 1862. Expedition to Danville December 26, 1861. Curtis' Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas against Price January to March, 1862. Advance on Springfield February 2-16. Pursuit of Price into Arkansas February 14-29. Battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8. March to Batesville April 5-May 3; thence to Helena, Ark., May 25-July 14. Expedition from Helena to mouth of White River August 5-8. Moved to Ironton-Pilot Knob, Mo., September 1. To St. Genevieve November 12, and return to Helena November 23. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 22, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point, La., January 17-23. Duty there till March and at Milliken's Bend till April. Expedition to Greenville, Black Bayou and Deer Creek April 2-14. Demonstration on Haines and Drumgould's Bluffs April 29-May 2. Moved to join army in rear of Vicksburg, Miss., via Richmond and Grand Gulf May 2-14. Mississippi Springs May 12-13. Jackson May 14. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Bolton's Depot July 16. Brier Creek, near Canton, July 17, Clinton July 18. Camp at Big Black till September 27. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence march to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 27-November 21. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad in Alabama October 20-29. Cherokee Station October 21 and 29. Cane Creek October 26. Tuscumbia October 26-27. Battles of Chattanooga November 23-27. Lookout Mountain November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. Ringgold Gap, Taylor's Ridge, November 27. March to relief of Knoxville November 28-December 8. Garrison duty in Alabama at Woodville and Scottsboro, Ala., and at Cleveland, Tenn., to May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1 to September 8. Demonstration on Resaca May 8-13. Battle of Resaca May 13-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Bushy Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Ezra Chapel, Hood's 2nd Sortie, July 28. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Pursuit of Hood into Alabama October 1-21. Mustered out by Companies from August 12 to November 14, 1864. Consolidated with Detachments from 3rd and 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry and subsequently transferred to 15th Missouri Infantry.

Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 102 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 94 Enlisted men by disease. Total 208.

Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1328 

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Lieut. Henne, accompanied by his wife and Mr. Holm, arrived yesterday afternoon, on the Sucker State from St. Louis.  Lt. H.’s wound is healed up, but he is unable to walk, being destitute of both left arm and left leg, and has not yet obtained an artificial substitute.  On his arrival, the cannon was got out, and a salute fired in honor of the return of the gallant officer to his home, for the first time since his departure with Capt. Wentz’s company last spring.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 20, 1862, p. 1

Monday, July 1, 2013

Capt. Henne

We learn from a telegraph dispatch in Der Demokrat of Saturday, that Capt. Henne has arrived at Springfield, Mo., and may be expected home within two weeks.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, May 5, 1862, p. 1

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Great Battle of Pea Ridge

The St. Louis Democrat has a long and interesting account of this great battle in Arkansas, differing considerably from the one we printed yesterday from the Cincinnati Times.  We give a part of it below:


Early Thursday morning Sigel’s division was moving from Camp Cooper, beyond Bentonville for Sugar Creek.  His rear guard composed of the Twelfth Missouri Infantry, Captain Jenks’ battalion of cavalry, attached to the Thirty-sixth Illinois, two companies Benton Hussars, and six pieces of flying artillery, (Albert’s battery) left camp at six A. M.  The main column marched through Bentonville without observing any indications of the enemy.  Gen. Sigel and staff, together with the rear guard, arrived at Bentonville in an hour and a half.  While resting here, a black line was observed on the prairie towards the south, which at first attracted no particular attention: Sigel, with his glass soon became convinced that the line was in motion.  Soon secesh flags were seen moving on Bentonville, and the prairie became black with the rebel masses of cavalry and infantry.  The rebel cavalry moved up rapidly and deploying to the right and left, surrounded the town.  Clouds of cavalry were still observed advancing at rapid speed.

Sigel moved forward the rear guard across a ravine on the margin of the town, and the opposite side of the ravine was occupied by the rebels, who came rushing up with a yell. – Noticing that they had formed in his rear, he detached four companies of cavalry to hold them in check.  Opening his lines right and left he sent his artillery to the front, to meet a force drawn up in line of battle a mile out of town.

Turning to Captain Jenks, who had come forward to support the latter, Sigel said “Captain, the enemy are on our front, on either side of us, and all around us.”  Then raising his hand to a level with his shoulder, and lunging it down with each sentence, exclaimed, “We must advance; we must cut our way through;” and concluding emphatically, “we shall cut our way through.”  Sigel then got off his horse, and personally superintended the planting of pieces in position.  He opened fire on the enemy in front, every shot having a telling effect on the enemy’s ranks, which faltered and fell back in the woods.  A rapid advance of our column then took place, the enemy seeming to retreat on either side, but instead they made a detour and formed again two miles further on at the entrance of a deep gorge. – On reaching this position, it was found they were supported by a large body of infantry, whose advance preceded our arrival by taking a shorter road.  The infantry were placed in ambuscade, covered by the crest of a hill.  Our troops pushed forward into the gorge along which the road runs, when suddenly a galling fire of musketry was poured in along our whole like from the top of the hill along our left flank.  The Twelfth Missouri charged up the hill in face of the fire, and drove the rebels over the hill.

During the charge, Sigel ordered two pieces forward about a mile to a point where he could see the hill where the rebels supposed they were under cover.  The guns were masked by a grove and were not observed by the rebels.  As soon as this battery was planted, two cannon shots were fired from the head of the column in the valley, producing no effect but deceiving the enemy.  A rapid advance of the whole column was then made, and as we receded from the enemy the latter covered the hill in large numbers, advancing on our rear.  The masked battery in front then opened on them, the balls passing over our column still in the gorge, which caused such destruction to the rebels that they scattered in all directions and ceased to molest us any further.


The enemy during the night advanced and took position one mile nearer our camp, occupying the extensive bluff to the left of Elkhorn Tavern, where they had batteries planted which commanded the open fields and bottom lands on this side.  The open woods, a mile this side of the town was also occupied by the enemy in formidable numbers.  They had batteries pointed in all available positions commanding the approaches from this side.  General Curtis designed to open the ball at day-break, and gave the necessary orders for a change of front, the left wing having to be moved obliquely forward.

The cannonade opened twenty-five minutes past seven, on Col. Carr’s division, and the portion of the latter engaged fell back.  Gen. Davis advanced on the main road and took position on the right wing, while Col. Carr moved to the center, and a desultory fire was kept up for a short time.  About eight o’clock Gen. Sigel’s division marched into the open field and took position on the left wing.  His batteries were planted along the elevations in this portion of the field with alternate regiments of infantry.

The line as now formed was concave with the wings advanced toward the enemy, while seven batteries were planted along its whole length. – No more beautiful spectacle could be conceived than the “magnificently stern array” presented by our line of battle.  The utmost confidence was at once restored, and our men felt reassured that victory was in their reach.  The bluffs occupied by the enemy on their right were covered with the secesh as thick as they could stand, while the intervening woods in front of our center was alive with them.  Our batteries were soon opened all along the line, and a perfect wall of fire blazed out in rolling volumes.  The enemy replied promptly with his batteries, with little effect, except disabling one of Sigel’s guns.  The murderous cross fire of our batteries crashed through the timber with terrific effect.  The cannonade was terrible for two hours and a half, during which time the infantry advanced slowly under cover of our fire from the batteries.  As soon as the enemy broke the infantry advanced with a yell in double quick, sending volley upon volley of well-aimed musketry.  The Twelfth Missouri rushed forward and charged on a battery in the heavy timber, capturing three guns and a flag belonging to the Dallas Artillery.  The Twenty-Second Indiana also captured a gun and two caissons.  At this time Gen. Sigel pushed the enemy’s right flank, while Gen. Davis and Col. Carr drove forward his left flank.  The fight became general, and the ravine near the Elkhorn Tavern was thronged with the flying enemy.  The bluffs on the left forming a natural fortification, where they had several regiments and a battery posted, where stormed by Col. Greusel’s brigade.  The precipice here is seventy-five feet high.  The Twelfth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Missouri and Thirty-sixth Illinois scaled the hill and drove the enemy out, the brigade losing only eight men killed and twenty two wounded.  The top of the bluff was completely covered with their dead and wounded from our spherical case shot and shells.  The arms and accoutrements were scattered in all directions.  A prisoner taken here stated that Van Dorn had not been seen for two hours, and they thought it time to leave.  The victory was complete.  The retreating enemy were pursued for two miles by company D, of Bowman’s battalion, and the pursuit was kept up by the Benton Huzzars [sic] and Gen. Sigel to Keetsville.  Prisoners including officers were taken in large numbers.  Our loss in the battle was comparatively small, but the enemy’s was terribly severe.  We killed General Slack, and young Clark, son of Merriweather Clark, of St. Louis, who had his head taken off by a cannon ball.  He commanded a battery gallantly, and had just given the order to retreat, when a ball struck him on his horse. – Lieut. Col. McCulloch, son of the General, was also found among the dead with his commission in his pocket, near Elkhorn Tavern.

Gen. Curtis has won a victory that should place his name in the front rank of heroes battling for the national cause.  From his position in the field he observed every movement, and gave his orders with admirable coolness and decision.  His Aids, Capts. McKinney, Stark, Aughfelt, Stitt, and Lieuts. Adams and Hoepner, were seen flying over the field, conveying orders and bringing intelligence.


In the battle near Elk Horn Tavern, Sergeant Major Wooster, of the Iowa Third, was hit by a cannon shot, taking away the side of his skull, while he was engaged in untangling the horses from the Dubuque battery, having bravely volunteered to go ahead on the dangerous errand in the face of a plunging fire from the enemy’s battery.  Calling to his boy after he was shot he said: – “Johnny, Oh Johnny, I must go!”

A cannon ball, in the battle near Lee Town, killed two cousins named Alley, and lodged in the breast of Lieut. Perry Watts, of Company K, 22d Indiana.  It was taken out and proved to be a 6-pounder ball.

A man was shot through the body with a ball and caught it in the waistband of his pantaloons, where it had lodged.

In the battle of the 8th a ball struck a tree, shivering it to splinters.  One of the splinters, six feet long, struck a secesh and impaled him to the earth.

Lieut. Henne of Company F, Twelfth Missouri, who had lost his left arm in the Hungarian war, was truck in the battle of the 8th by a cannon ball, which carried away his right leg.  He was carried off the field, and when passing to the General, while his face was wreathed in smiles, as if forgetful of his sufferings in the exultation of approaching victory.

On the rebel side the Indians were in command of Pike, Standwartz and Ross.  They proved of little account, except to plunder and riffle the dead and scalp the wounded of which fact. Col. Bussy, of the 3d Iowa cavalry, has ample evidence.  In the field these cowardly allies could not be brought within range of our cannon.  They would say, “Ugh, big gun!” and skedaddle for the brush.”

A secesh doctor who came afterwards into our camp, relates that on the morning of the battle he observed about 300 Indians daubing their faces all over black from the coal of the charred stumps.  The doctor inquired of one of the chiefs of the significance of painting thus, when he was answered that, “The Indians, when going into a fight, painted their faces red; but when they are pinched with hunger, they color black.”  These fellows have had nothing to eat in two days.

McCulloch was killed in the brush on a slight elevation on the opposite side of the field by Peter Pelican, a private in company B, Thirty-sixth Illinois.  The attack in which the ubiquitous Ben. Was taken off was led by Captain Miller.  McCulloch wore a dress of black velvet, patent leather high top boots, and he had on a light colored broad-brimmed Texan hat.  He was on a light bay horse.  Pelican went up and took a gold watch, now in Possession of Colonel Greusel.

A ball after breaking the legs of two men, hit Captain Hobb in the back of his leg and was stopped.  The Captain was slightly injured, but the sword was battered.

Four of Price’s negroes were captured by Col. Ellis’ First Missouri Cavalry.

Price’s filed glass was taken and used during the remainder of the battle by General Davis to make observations.

A cannon ball struck the ground, and ricocheting, passed under Col. White’s horse; carried away a leg of the horse, rode by Lieut. Landgrove.  The Lieutenant fell with the horse, but extricated himself as soon as possible.  The Horse getting up, hobbled to the secesh ranks, taking along the Lieutenant’s pocket money, which was concealed in the holsters.

A Dutchman rode directly into the enemy’s works with a caisson.  The rebel Major asked him where he was going, and the man answered, “Dish for Sigel.”  The Major smiles, and directed the man where to go, which was probably to any point beyond the rebel lines.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 2

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Record Of A Brave Man

We have already announced that among the wounded in the terrible battle that was recently fought in Arkansas, was Capt. Henne, of this city.  There is something peculiarly romantic in this man’s history.  He was a soldier in Germany, and in fighting the battles of his native country lost his left arm and two fingers from his right hand.  On the breaking out of the hostilities here, he was one of the first men to volunteer in defence of his adopted country.  He was first Lieutenant of Capt. Wentz’s company, but when they were mustered into service he was rejected on the account of his mutilations; even an appeal to the War Department being unsuccessful to continue him in service.  Nothing daunted, he followed the company to Missouri, without pay even as a private, sharing the rations of the men and determined if there was a fight to participate in it.  He did fight with them, and such was his bravery and the men’s admirations of his heroism that he was made Captain of a Missouri company, in which capacity he has since done some hard fighting.  He participated with all his accustomed ardor in the recent terrible battle at Sugar Creek, Arkansas, where he received a shot in the left leg, which, we learn, has in consequence been amputated.  Thoroughly disabled for life, this brave man and true patriot, it seems to us, is entitled to solid compensation from our Government, and we hope his case will be made a special one.  It is said that Mr. Hoering, his former partner, intends to go after the Captain, or what remains of him, and bring him home. – May it be so, and success attend his effort. – Davenport Gazette.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 1

Friday, October 7, 2011

Scott County Men At Pea Ridge

Four Davenporter’s in Capt. Ahledfeldt’s company 12th Missouri Infantry, were wounded at the battle of Pea Ridge, as follows:

Lieut. Robert Henne, left leg amputated.
Sergeant Cains Rohwer, formerly of Co. G, Iowa 1st, wounded in leg.
Sergeant Petter Suebking, in thigh.
Sergeant Eugene Ausborn, in arm.

Among those recruited by Dr. Raub for the First Missouri Flying Artillery, Hans Brandt and Edward Moeller were wounded, the former seriously.  Lorinz Fischer, Chas. Thoeming, Dominic Hufner and Claus Pahl, are missing.

In addition to the above, private S. D. Hedges of Capt. Curtis’s Rock Island company, was very badly wounded in the thigh, and was in critical condition, owing to inflammation of the wounded part when Capt. Curtis left the army.  The Captain speaks of him as one of his best and most reliable men.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 29, 1862, p. 1

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lt. Henne

There must be a mistake about the announcement of the death of this gallant officer.  Mr. Holm, writing from Rolla on his arrival there, says nothing of it; of course, if he had known it or heard of it, he would have mentioned the fact.  His letter is later than any previous advices received here.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 25, 1862, p. 1

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lieut. Henne

We have already made mention of this brave man.  A correspondent of the Missouri Democrat, writing from the scene of the recent terrible conflict in Arkansas, says Lieut. Henne, of Company F, 12th Missouri, who had lost his left arm in the Hungarian war, was struck in the battle of the 8th by a cannon ball, which carried away his right leg.  He was carried off the field and when passing Gen. Curtis the heroic sufferer waved his hand to the General, while his face was wreathed in smiles, as if forgetful of his sufferings in the exultation of approaching victory.  Mr. Holm, it will be remembered has gone in search of Lieut. Henne, to bring him home.  We hope he may be successful in his mission.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 22, 1862, p. 1

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Battle of Pea Ridge

From a letter in the Chicago Tribune, dated Springfield, Mo., March 11, we clip the following:

On Friday the engagement became general, and continued so.  The most exposed position being occupied by Col. Carr’s division, the greatest loss was suffered by them.  Col. Dodge’s brigade, of this division, consists of the Fourth Iowa and First Iowa battery, the Thirty-fifth Illinois, Col. Phelps’s twenty-fourth [sic] Missouri, known as the “Lyon Legion.”  The second brigade commanded by Col Vandever, of the Ninth Iowa, consists of his own regiment, the Dubuque battery, and Col. Carr’s regiment of cavalry.

A letter from Col. Dodge says the losses in the 4th and 9th Iowa, the 35th Illinois and Phelps’ 25th Missouri are from 150 to 200 to each regiment killed and wounded.  The 12th and 17th Missouri, 3d Iowa Cavalry and the 8th Indiana lost about 40 men each.  The 1st and 2nd Iowa batteries lost about 20 each.

Among our wounded are Gen. Asboth, in the arm; Col. Carr, also in the arm; Lt. Col. Galligan of the 4th Iowa; and Lieut. Col. Herron and Major Coyle of the 9th Iowa.  Col. Dodge had three horses shot under him.

Lieut. Col. Herron was wounded in the foot and taken prisoner.

Major Black of the 37th Illinois, wounded in arm.

Lieut. Crittenden, Co. 3, 3d Iowa cavalry, severely wounded.

Major Coyle, 9th Iowa, in shoulder.

Lieut. Porcher, Co. H. 4th Iowa, severely wounded in thigh.

Color Sergeant Teale, 4th Iowa, shot in the arm.

Captain Burger, Co. H. 4th Iowa, wounded in the head.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 18, 1862, p. 1

Public Meeting

At a meeting, held March 15th, in the hall of Mr. Bilz, it was, on motion,

Resolved, To accept the offer of Mr. Theodore Holm, to go to the battle-field of Pea Ridge, in Arkansas, there to render assistance of our wounded, especially to Lieut. Robert Henne.

Resolved, To hand Mr. Theodore Holm, for defraying expenses, the money collected for that purpose.  Whereupon was delivered to him:

Collection of C. H. Lage
Collection of A. Rolff & J. H Hoering
Collection of F. Bilz
Collection in German political club

W. RIEPE, Secretary.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 18, 1862, p. 1

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lieut. Henne Wounded

From the following dispatch received here last evening, it will be seen that our brave townsman, Lieut. Henne, is a sufferer in the recent conflict in Arkansas.  He is a lieutenant in Capt. Ahlefeldt’s company, in Osterhaus’s brigade.

March 11th, 1862.

(By telegraph from Camp, March 8.)

To Mrs. Chas. W. Asmussen, Davenport:

Been in three days’ battle.  All right.  Hene badly wounded.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 12, 1862, p. 1

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Battle Of Pea Ridge

Thrilling and Authentic Details.


Not withstanding the length of time that has elapsed since the great battle of Pea Ridge it will be remembered that but few accounts of it have been written, and most of them by persons who never visited the field. We now have the truth in all its startling details, in a clear, graphic and soldier like manner, from the pen of the General commanding the National troops in the fearful conflict.


CAPTAIN: The brief telegraphic report which I gave on the 9th inst. is not sufficient to present even the general outline of the battle of Pea Ridge, and with the report of my commanders of divisions I now submit a more general detail.

My pursuit of General Price brought me to Fayetteville, Arkansas. The entire winter campaign from the 20th January to this time, including the march from Rolla to the Boston Mountains, 240 miles, was attended with continual exhibitions of toil, privations, conflict, and gallantry, some of which I have telegraphed to headquarters, and may hereafter deserve more full development.

After reaching Arkansas the forces of Gen. Price were rapidly re-enforced by regiments which had been stationed in Arkansas and the Indian Territory. I therefore expected these combined forces would return upon us to give us battle, and in conformity with the orders of the General of the 22d of February I selected Sugar Creek as the strongest of several strong places taken from the enemy to make a stand against any and all odds.

I reported my force to you on the 12th February, after Col. Davis' division had joined me, at 12,095 men and fifty pieces of artillery, including four mountain howitzers. My long line of communication required garrisons at Marshfield, Springfield, Castle, and Keetsville, besides a constant moving force to guard my train. My force in Arkansas was therefore not more than 10,500 cavalry and infantry with 49 pieces of artillery, including the mountain howitzers, one piece having been sent out into Missouri and thus prevented front joining us in the battle.

The scarcity of forage and other supplies made it necessary for me to spread out my troops over considerable country, always trying to keep it within supporting distance, convenient to rally on the positions selected for battle. On the 4th of March this force was located as follows:

The First and Second Divisions, under Gens. Sigel and Asboth, were four miles southwest of Bentonville, at Cooper's farm, under general orders to move round to Sugar Creek, about fourteen miles east.

The Third Division, under Col. Jefferson C. Davis, acting brigadier-general, had moved and taken position at Sugar Creek, under orders to make some preparatory arrangements and examinations for a stand against the enemy.

The Fourth Division was at Cross Hollows, under command of Col. E. A. Carr, acting brigadier-general. My own headquarters were also at this place, within about twelve miles from Sugar Creek, on the main telegraph road from Springfield to Fayetteville.

Large detachments had been sent out from those several camps for forage and information – one from Cross Hollows to Huntsville, under command of Col. Vandever, ;and three from Cooper's farm to Marysville and Pinesville. One of those, raider Major Conrad, with a piece of artillery and about 250 men, did not reach us till after the battle. All the others came in safe and joined in the engagement.

The enemy had taken position in the Boston Mountains, a high range that divides the waters of the White River and Arkansas. General Price had rallied the forces that had fought at Carthage, Wilson's Creek, and Lexington, augmented by his exertions to recruit in Missouri during the winter. On his arrival from Springfield, in Arkansas, he reported to Gov. Rector that between four and five thousand of these had joined the Confederate service previous to his leaving Springfield. The circulation of all manner of extravagant falsehoods on his way induced the whole country to leave their homes, and for fear we would kill them thousands joined his ranks. Gen. McCulloch brought at least eleven regiments to the field and General Price five. Besides these regularly-organized Confederate troops which Gen. Price met in Arkansas, there were many companies and regiments of' Arkansas volunteers, most of the country people being required to take up arms. From this data and the general opinion of the country I estimated the force of the enemy to have been at least 30,000 or 40,000. This was the force in and near Boston Mountains, rallying to drive us from Arkansas and Missouri.

The two armies thus constituted and located were within hearing of each other's cannon, about 30 miles apart. I submit an accompanying map, showing some of the topographic features of the country on the roads which we traversed. Our troops were weary and somewhat exhausted in their long forced marches and frequent conflicts. Our cavalry had especially suffered in the breaking down and loss of horses. But our troops were generally well armed, drilled, and anxious to encounter the enemy at any reasonable hazard. They were all intelligent, ardent, flushed with our repeated success in many encounters on our way, and all conscious of the righteousness of their country's cause.

The arrival of Major-General Van Dorn on the 2d of March in the camp of the enemy was the occasion of great rejoicing and the firing of forty guns. The rebel force was harangued by their chiefs with boastful and passionate appeals, assuring them of their superior numbers and the certainty of an easy victory. Dispatches were published falsely announcing a great battle at Columbus, Kentucky, in which we had lost three gunboats and 20,000 men; and thus the rebel hordes were assembled – the occasion was now open to drive the invaders from the soil of Arkansas and give a final and successful blow for a Southern Confederacy.

The 5th of March was cold and blustering – the snow fell so as to cover the ground. No immediate attack was apprehended, and I was engaged writing. About two o'clock P.M. scouts and fugitive citizens came, informing me of the rapid approach of the enemy to give battle. His cavalry would be at Elm Springs, some twelve miles distant, that night, and his artillery had already passed Fayetteville. Satisfied of the truth of this report, I immediately sent couriers to General Sigel and Col. Vandever, and ordered them to move immediately to Sugar Creek, where I also ordered Col. Carr to move with his division.

I also sent you a dispatch, which may have been lost with other mail matter, which I have since learned was captured by the enemy. I told you I would give them the best reception possible. All my messengers were successful in delivering their orders. Colonel Carr's division moved about 6 P.M. Colonel Vandever had intelligence of the movement of the enemy before my messenger reached him, and made immediate change in his march, so that with great exertion he arrived on the 6th. General Sigel deferred his march from Cooper's farm till two o'clock in the morning of the 6th, and at Bentonville tarried himself with a regiment and battery till he was attacked about 9 a.m.

I arrived at Sugar Creek at 2 o'clock A.M. on the 6th, and immediately detailed parties for early morning work in felling timber, to obstruct certain roads to prevent the enemy having too many approaches and to erect field works to increase the strength of my forces. Col. Davis and Col. Carr early in the day took their positions on the high projecting hills commanding the valley of the creek, leaving the right of the line to be occupied by the first and second divisions, which were anxiously expected. The valley of the creek is low, and from a quarter to a half mile wide. The hills are high on both sides, and the main road from Fayetteville by Gross Hollow to Keetsville intercepts the valley nearly at right angles. The road from Fayetteville by Bentonville to Keetsville is quite a detour, but it also comes up the Sugar Creek Valley; a branch, however, takes off and runs nearly parallel to the main or Telegraph road, some three miles from it. The Sugar Creek Valley, therefore, intercepts all these roads.

The third and fourth divisions had before noon of the 6th deployed their lines, cut down a great number of trees, which thoroughly blockaded the roads on the left. Later in the day I directed some of the same work to be done on the right. This work was in charge of Colonel Dodge, who felled trees on the road which runs parallel to the main road to which I have before referred. This proved of great advantage, as it retarded the enemy some two hours in their flank movement. Breastworks of considerable strength were erected by the troops on the headlands of Sugar Creek as if by magic, and a battery near the road crossing was completely shielded by an extensive earthwork, erected, under the direction of Col. Davis, by a pioneer company, commanded by Captain Snyder. About two o'clock P.M. Gen. Asboth and Col. Osterhaus reported the arrival of the First and Second Divisions. This good news was followed immediately by another report that General Sigel, who had remained behind with a detachment, had been attacked near Bentonville and was quite surrounded by the enemy's advance forces. I immediately directed some of the troops to return to his relief. In the mean time he had advanced with his gallant little band, fighting its way within three or four miles of our main forces. The two divisions turned back in double-quick, and a large cavalry force also started, all being anxious to join in a rescue of their comrades in peril.

Part of the First Division, under Col. Osterhaus, soon met the retreating detachment, and immediately opened with artillery and infantry, which checked the further advance and terminated the action for the day. In the retreat and final repulse, which occupied several hours, our loss was some twenty five killed and wounded.

The enemy must have suffered more, as our artillery had telling effect along the road, and the rebel graves in considerable numbers bear witness of the enemy's loss.

The firing having ceased, I sent back the other troops that had joined the movement and designated the positions on the right, which were promptly occupied by the first and second divisions.

Our men rested on their arms, confident of hard work on the coming day. The accompanying map of the battle ground will fully illustrate the positions then and subsequently assumed.

On my front was the deep, broad valley of Sugar Creek, forming the probable approaches of the enemy, our troops extending for miles, and generally occupying the summits of headlands on Sugar Creek. In my rear was a broken plateau called Pea Ridge, and still farther in my rear the deep valley of Big Sugar Creek, or Cross Timbers. My own headquarters and those of Generals Sigel, Asboth, and other commanders of divisions were near Pratt's house. The lines A, B, and C show the different fronts assumed during the progress of the battle.

The approach by Bentonville brought the enemy to my extreme right, and during the night of the 5th and 6th he began a movement around my flank by the road before mentioned, which crosses Pea Ridge some three miles northwest of the main Telegraph road. I ascertained in the morning this flank movement of the enemy, which I perceived was to attack my right flank and rear. I therefore immediately called my commanders of Divisions together at General Asboth's tent, and directed a change of front to the rear, so as to face the road upon which the enemy was still moving. At the same time I directed the organization of a detachment of cavalry and light artillery, supported by infantry, to open the battle by an attack from my new center on the probable center of the enemy before he could fully form. I selected Colonel Osterhans to lead this central column – an officer who displayed great skill, energy, and gallantry each day of the battle.

The change of front thus directed reversed the order of the troops, placing the First and Second Divisions on the left, their left still resting on Sugar Creek, Osterhaus and the Third Division in the center, and the Fourth Division became the extreme right. While I was explaining the proposed movement to commanders and Col. Osterhans was beginning to rally and move forward this attacking column, a messenger brought me intelligence that my picket, commanded by Major Weston, of the Twenty-fourth Missouri, had been attacked by infantry. This was at Elkhorn Tavern, where the new right was to rest. Col. Carr being present, he was ordered to move into position and support the major as soon as possible.

This was the commencement of the second day's fight. It was about half past ten o'clock, and the officers separated to direct their several commands. The fire increased rapidly on the right and very soon opened in the center. After visiting the right, where I perceived the enemy was making a vigorous attack, and finding Col. Carr, under a brisk fire of shot and shell, coolly locating and directing the deployment, I returned to my central position near Pratt's house, and sent orders to Col. Davis to move near to Col. Carr, to support him. In the mean time Col. Osterhaus had attacked the enemy and divided his forces; but he was soon pressed with greatly superior numbers, that drove back our cavalry and took our flying battery, which had advanced with it. The colonel, however, was well supported by his infantry, and soon checked a movement that threatened to intercept the deployment of other forces. I considered the affair so imminent that I changed my order to Col. Davis, and directed him to move to the support of the center, which was his proper place according to my order for the change of front. – My new line was thus formed under the enemy's fire, the troops generally moving in good order and gallant bearing.

Thus formed, the line was not continuous, but extended entirely across Pea Ridge, the divisions in numerical order from left to right, Col. Osterhaus remaining in command of a detachment and operating with Col. Davis in resisting McCulloch and Mcintosh, who commanded the enemy's forces in the center. I did not err in sending Colonel Davis to this point, although Colonel Carr, on the right, also needed re-enforcements. – The battle raged in the center with terrible fury. Colonel Davis held the position against fearful numbers, and our brave troops nobly stood or charged in steady lines. The fate of the battle depended on success against this flank movement of the enemy, and here near Lee Town was the place to break it down. The fall of Generals McCulloch, McIntosh, and other officers of the enemy, who fell early in the day, aided us in our final success at this most critical point; and the steady courage of officers and men in our lines chilled and broke down the hordes of Indian cavalry, and infantry that were arrayed against us. While the battle thus raged in the center the right wing was sorely pressed, and the dead and wounded were scattered over the field. Col. Carr sent for re-enforcements, and I sent a few cavalry and my body-guard, with the little mountain howitzers, under Major Bowen. These did good service at a critical period. I urged Col. Carr to stand firm, that more force could be expected soon. Subsequently Col. Carr sent me word that he could not hold his position much longer. I could then only reply by sending him the order to "persevere." He did persevere, and the sad havoc in the Ninth and Fourth Iowa and Phelps' Missouri and Major Weston's Twenty-fourth Missouri and all the troops in that division will show how earnest and continuous was their perseverance. Seeing no signs of approaching foes by the Telegraph road, I sent him three pieces of artillery and a battalion of infantry of Colonel Benton's command (part of the 3d division), which had been located at Sugar Creek to guard the approaches. Each small accession to the fourth division seemed to compensate an overpowering force. As to the left, I was repeatedly informed it stood safe and firm, although threatened by the foe. About 2 P.M. my aide, Captain Adams, who had communicated with that wing informed me he had just seen Gens. Sigel and Asboth on Sugar Creek, and there was still no attack in that quarter and no appearance of an enemy. About this time the enemy's forces melted away in the brushy center, and the fire gradually ceased. – Believing the left and center were no longer menaced, and the enemy was concentrating on the right, I again sent word to Col. Carr that he would soon be re-enforced. I had now resolved to bring up the left and center to meet the gathering hordes near Elkhorn Tavern. To inform myself of the condition of the extreme left I went in person to that point. On my way I ordered forward the remainder of Col. Benton's command, three pieces and a battalion, which had remained guarding the crossing of the main Telegraph road.

I found Gens. Sigel and Asboth with the troops on the hill near the extreme left, where all was quiet, and the men, not having been under fire, fresh and anxious to participate in the fight. It was now safe to make a new change of front, so as to face Sugar Creek. I therefore ordered this force forward. Gen. Asboth moved by the direct road to Elkhorn Tavern, and Gen. Sigel went by Leetown to re-enforce Davis if need be, but to press on to re-enforce Carr if not needed in the center. Both generals moved promptly. I accompanied Gen. Asboth, collecting and moving forward some straggling commands that I found by the way. It must have been near 5 o'clock when I brought this force to the aid of Col. Cart. He had received three or four shots – one a severe wound in the arm. Many of his field officers had fallen and the dead and wounded had greatly reduced his force. He had been slowly forced back near half a mile, and had been about seven hours under constant fire. His troops were still fiercely contesting every inch of ground. As I came up the Fourth Iowa was falling back for cartridges in line, dressing on their colors in perfect order. Supposing with my re-en-forcements I could easily recover our lost ground, I ordered the regiment to halt and face about. Col. Dodge came up, explaining the want of cartridges; but, informed of my purpose, I ordered a bayonet charge, and they moved again with steady nerves to their former position, where the gallant Ninth was ready to support them. These two regiments won imperishable honors.

General Asbboth had planted his artillery in the road and opened a tremendous fire on the enemy at short range. The Second Missonri Infantry also deployed and earnestly engaged the enemy. About this time the shades of night began to gather around us, but the fire on both sides seemed to grow fierce and more deadly. One of my bodyguard fell dead, my Orderly received a shot, and General Asboth was severely wounded in the arm. A messenger came from General Sigel, saying he was close on the left and would soon open fire. The battery of Gen. Asboth ran out of ammunition and fell back. This caused another battery that I had located on the other of the road to follow, this latter fearing a want of support. The infantry, however, stood firm or fell back in good order, and the batteries were soon restored, but the caissons got quite out of reach. The artillery firing was renewed, however, and kept up till dark – the enemy firing the last shot, for I could not find another cartridge to give them a final round; even the little howitzers responded, no cartridges. The enemy ceased firing, and I hurried men after the caissons and more ammunition, meantime I arranged the infantry in the edge of the timber, with fields in front, where they lay on their arms and held the position for the night. I directed a detail from each company to bring water and provisions, and thus without a murmur these weary soldiers lay and many of them slept within a few yards of the foe, with their dead and wounded comrades scattered around them. Darkness, silence, and fatigue soon secured to the weary broken slumbers and gloomy repose. The day had closed in some reverses on the right, but the left had been unsullied, and the center had driven the foe from the field.

My only anxiety for the fate of the next day was the new front which it was necessary to form by my weary troops. I directed Colonel Davis to withdraw all the remainder of his reserve from the centre and move forward so as to occupy the ground on Carr's immediate left. Although his troops had been fighting hard most of the day and displayed great energy and courage, at 12 o'clock at night they commenced their movement to the new position on the battle-field, and they too soon rested on their arms.

Nothing further had been heard from General Sigel's command after the message at dark that he was on or near the left. His detour carried him around a brushy portion of the battle-field that could not be explored in the night. About two o'clock he reported at my headquarters with his troops, who, he said, were going to their former camps for provisions. The distance to his camp, some two miles farther, was so great I apprehended tardiness in the morning, and urged the general to rest the troops where they then were, at my headquarters, and send for provisions, as the other troops were doing. This was readily concurred in, and these troops bivouacked also for the night. The arrangement thus completed to bring all four of my divisions to face a position which had been held in check all the previous day by one, I rested, certain of final success on the coming day.

The sun rose above the horizon before our troops were all in position and yet the enemy had not renewed the attack. I was hardly ready to open fire on him, as the first and second divisions had not yet moved into position. Our troops that night rested on their arms in the face of the enemy. Seeing him in motion, I could not brook delay, and the center, under Colonel Davis, opened fire. The enemy replied with terrible energy from new batteries and lines which had been prepared for us during the night. To avoid raking batteries the right wing fell back in good order, but kept up a continuous fire from the new position immediately taken. The first and second division[s] soon got under way, and moved with great celerity to their position on the left. This completed the formation of my third line of battle. It was directly to the rear of the first, and was quite continuous, much of it on open ground. We then had our foe before us, where we well knew the ground. The broken defiles occupied by him would not admit of easy evolutions to repel such as could be made by us on the open plain. Victory was inevitable. As soon as the left wing extended so as to command the mountain and rest safely upon it, I ordered the right wing to move forward so as to take position where I placed it the night previous. I repaired myself to the extreme right, and found an elevated position considerably in advance which commanded the enemy's center and left. Here I located the Dubuque battery, and directed the right wing to move its right forward so as to support it, and give direction to the advance of the entire right wing. Captain Hayden soon opened a fire which proved most galling to the foe and a marker for our line to move upon. Returning to the center, I directed the First Iowa Battery, under Captain David, to take position in an open field, where he could also direct a fire on the central point of the enemy. Meantime the powerful battery of Captain Welfley and many more were bearing on the cliff, pouring heavy balls through the timber near the center, splintering great trees and scattering death and destruction with tempestuous fury.

At one time a battery was opened in front of Hayden's battery on the extreme right, so near I could not tell whether it was the enemy or an advance of Hayden's, but riding near I soon perceived its true character, and directed the First Iowa and the Peoria battery, Captain Davidson, to cross-fire on it, which soon drove it back to the common hiding place, the deep ravines of Cross Timber Hollow. While the artillery was thus taking position and advancing upon the enemy the infantry moved steadily forward. The left wing, advancing rapidly, soon began to ascend the mountain cliff, from which the artillery had driven most of the rebel force. The upward movement of the gallant Thirty-sixth Illinois, with its dark-blue line of men and its gleaming bayonets, steadily rose from base to summit, when it dashed forward into the forest, driving and scattering the rebels from these commanding heights. The Twelfth Missouri, far in advance of others, rushed into the enemy's lines, bearing off a flag and two pieces of artillery. Everywhere our line moved forward and the foe as gradually withdrew.

The roar of cannon and small-arms was continuous, and no force could then have withstood the converging line and concentrated crossfire of our gallant troops. Our guns continued some time after the rebel fire ceased, and the rebels had gone down into the deep [canyons] through which they had begun their precipitate fight. – Finally our firing ceased. The enemy suddenly vanished. Following down the main road, which enters a deep [canyon], I saw some straggling teams and men running in great trepidation through the gorges of the mountains. I directed a battery to move forward, which threw a few shots at them, followed by a pursuit of cavalry comprised of the Benton Hussars and my escort from Bowen's battalion, which was all the cavalry convenient at the time. Gen. Sigel also followed in this pursuit towards Keetsville, while I returned, trying to check a movement which led my forces north, where I was confident a frightened foe was not likely to go. I soon found the rebel forces had divided and gone in every direction, but it was several hours before I learned that the main force, after entering the [canyon], had turned short to the right, following obscure ravines which led into the Huntsville road in a due south direction.

Gen. Sigel followed some miles north towards Keetsville, firing on the retreating force that ran that way. Colonel Bussey, with cavalry and the little howitzers, followed beyond Bentonville.

I camped on the field and made provision for burying the dead and care of the wounded. The loss in the several divisions was as follows:

This sad reckoning shows where the long continued fire was borne and where the public sympathy should be most directed. The loss of the enemy was much greater, but their scattered battalions can never furnish a correct report of their killed and wounded.

The reports of divisions and other officers of my command are all submitted, with such details as were seen or understood by local commanders. They give interesting incidents and notice many deserving heroes.

I mentioned in my telegraphic report of the 9th March with high commendation, and I now repeat, the names who have done distinguished service. These are my commanders of divisions, Generals Sigel and Asboth, Colonel and acting Brigadier-General Davis, and Colonel and acting Brigadier-General Carr. They commanded the four divisions.

I also again present commanders of brigades, Cols. Dodge, Osterhaus, Vandever, White, Schaffer, Pattison, and Grewsel. The three first named I especially commend.

I also renew the just thanks due to my staff officers, Capt. T. S. McKenny, A. A. A. General, Capt. W. H. Stark, Capt. John Ahlfeldt, Lieut. J. M. Adams, and Lieutenant Stilt, all acting aides; also A. Hooppner, my only engineer. To these I must now add Major Bowen, who commanded my body-guard, and with the mountain howitzers did gallant service in every battle-field, in the pursuit, and especially at Pea Ridge. Captain Stephens, Lieutenant Matteson, and Lieutenant Crabtree, of this battalion, also deserve honorable mention. Major Weston, of the Twenty-fourth Missouri, provost-marshal, in camp and in battle did gallant service. Lieutenant David, ordnance officer on my staff, took charge of me First Iowa Battery after Captain Jones was wounded, and did signal service. I must also thank my commanders of posts, who supported my line of operation and deserve like consideration, as their duties were more arduous – Colonel Boyd at Rolla, Colonel [Wains] at Lebanon, Cols. Mills at Springfield, and Lieut. Col. Holland at Cassville.

To do justice to all I would spread before you the most of the rolls of this army, for I can bear testimony to the almost universal good conduct of officers and men who have shared with me the long march, the many conflicts by the way, and final struggle with the combined forces of Price, McCulloch, McIntosh, and Pike, under Major-General Van Dorn, at the battle of Pea Ridge.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

SAMUEL R. CURTIS, Major-General

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 1