Showing posts with label USS King Philip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USS King Philip. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2013

From Fortress Monore

FORTRESS MONROE, March 30. – The weather here to-day is unpleasant and raining.

The King Phillip arrived from Washington this P. M. with Vice President Hamlin on board, the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, and several other Senators, Representatives and invited guests.  The party will return to-morrow.

There is no news.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shipping Point Occupied

WASHINGTON, March 29. – Shipping Point was yesterday occupied by our troops.  As the steamer Mount Vernon passed that place, they had raised the flag of the Union, and the band was playing the Star Spangled Banner.  All the rebels who have been in that vicinity for some time past, had left, with the exception of two or three companies of cavalry.

The King Phillip left here this morning, on a trip to Fortress Monroe, having on board Vice President Hamlin, and other prominent gentlemen, and several ladies.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

Saturday, January 7, 2012

From Washington

Special to Commercial.


The N. Y. 7th regiment of volunteer cavalry have been mustered out of service and are now on their way home.  Government has in service more cavalry than it needs.

No official dispatches have yet been received at the War department respecting the battle at Pittsburg Landing.

Mr. Seward will probably leave for Corinth to-night.

Senator Wilson introduced important amendments to the Fugitive Slave Law.  These establish jury trial and abolish the harsher features of the present law, and debar the rebels from recovering fugitive slaves.

Fifty 15 inch Dahlgren guns are to be immediately cast at Pittsburgh for the armament of the new batteries, of the Monitor pattern.

Tribune’s Correspondence.


Secretary Seward is not going to Corinth as reported.

Gov. Sprague, of R. I., will be elected U. S. Senator from that State.  He goes to Yorktown to-morrow.

Times’ Special.

The President sent a message to the Senate to-day covering a treaty recently agreed upon by Lord Lyons and Mr. Seward, and correspondence relating to the African slave trade.  The President, without expressing any opinion on the subject, transmitted the papers to the Senate for its ratification or rejection.  If ratified, the government of Great Britain will then pass upon the subject of the treaty as now drawn up by the ministers of the two governments.  If finally agreed upon and it becomes a law, it is believed that by a thorough compliance with its provisions the slave trade will cease to exist in less than ten years.


The steamer King Phillip came up to the navy yard to-day from York river.  Our forces before Yorktown are said to be hourly gaining ground.  Nothing new has transpired on the river.


The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed the nominations of Col. G. M. Dodge, of Iowa, Col. R. S. Canby, of the 19th infantry, and Paymaster Benj. Price, to be Brigadier Generals of volunteers;  Bayard Taylor, of New York, Secretary of Legation to St. Petersburg; Green Clay, of Kentucky, Secretary of Legation to Turin; John Malvin, of Illinois, Register of Land Office at Vermillion, Dacotah Territory; Wm. H. Bennett, of Oregon, to be Marshal of that State.

The Washington and Alexandria RR. was sold to-day at Alexandria, and purchased by Alex. Hay, of Philadelphia, for $12,500.  He is the owner and attorney for claims for more than $200,000.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 12, 1862, p. 1

Saturday, February 13, 2010

From Fredericksburg


The King Phillip has arrived at the Navy Yard this morning, and reports the Vicksburg as having courageously passed the five sunken obstructions below Fredericksburg.

Our flotilla has captured seven rebel schooners, one of them with a valuable cargo of dry goods, medicines and saltpeter, and also two small steamers.

It is further stated that the rebel pickets are occasionally seen on the south side of the river.

Our troops still command the position of Fredericksburg, the residents of which are entirely free in their usual business pursuits.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 1

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

From the Rappahannock

WASHINGTON, April 23. – The King Phillip has arrived at the Navy Yard this morning, and reports the Vicksburg as having cautiously passed through the five sunken obstructions below that town.

Our Flotilla has captured seven rebel schooners, one of them with a valuable cargo of dry goods, medicines, and saltpetre, and also two small steamers.

It is further stated that the rebel pickets are occasionally seen on the south side of the river.

Our troops still command the possession of Fredericksburg, the residents of which are entirely free in their usual business pursuits.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 3