Showing posts with label 50th IL INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50th IL INF. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: August 15, 1864

To-day Colonel Rowett assumes command of the Third Brigade, consisting of the Seventh, Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and the Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry, with head-quarters in Rome.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 245

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Sunday Afternoon, August 21, 1864

Six companies of the Seventh, and six companies of the Fiftieth Illinois Infantry, under the command of Colonel Rowett, leave Rome on a scout. We march about nine miles out on the Kingston road and go into camp for the night. Hogs, chickens, roasting-ears and fruit abound in abundance. We live high to-night. After all is quiet in camp, scouts are sent out to see if they cannot discover something hostile said to be threatening these parts.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 249

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Thursday, January 29, 1863

The duties of the regiments now stationed at Corinth, are very arduous. Almost every day a regiment or two are called upon to make a trip either to the Tennessee river for forage, or to the Davenport Mills for lumber to construct fortifications. Corinth is becoming quite a Gibraltar. The freedmen are all the while kept busy upon these works. This evening the officers of the Illinois regiments meet in Music Hall to give expression to their views upon modern democracy, and their bitter detestation of the treasonable element that is becoming so prevalent in Illinois. The following are the views of the Illinois soldiers on copperheads and defunct democracy. The object is to show to Governor Yates and to all our friends at home that we are still in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war, and that we will uphold our President and our Governor in all their efforts to crush the rebellion and restore the Union. On motion a committee to draft resolutions was appointed, consisting of the following officers : Colonel Chetlain 12th Illinois Infantry commanding post; Colonel M. M. Bane, 50th Illinois Infantry commanding Third brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Wilcox 52d Illinois Infantry, Colonel Burk, 65th Illinois sharp-shooters, Colonel A. J. Babcock, 7th Illinois Infantry, Colonel Merser 9th Illinois Infantry, commanding Second brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Morrill, 54th Illinois Infantry. The committee submited the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted :

Whereas, Our government is now engaged in a struggle for the perpetuation of every right dear to us as American citizens, and requires the united efforts of all good, true and loyal men in its behalf: and whereas, we behold with deep regret the bitter partizan spirit that is becoming dangerously vindictive and malicious in our state, the tendency of which is to frustrate the plans of the federal and state authorities in their efforts to suppress this infamous rebellion ; therefore, Resolved, That having pledged ourselves with our most cherished interests in the service of our common country in this hour of national peril, we ask our friends at home to lay aside all petty jealousies and party animosities, and as one man stand by us in upholding the president in his war measures, in maintaining the authority and the dignity of the government, and in unfurling again the glorious emblem of our nationality over every city and town of rebeldom.

Resolved, That we tender to Governor Yates and Adjutant General Fuller our warmest thanks for their untiring zeal in organizing, arming and equipping the army Illinois has sent to the field, and for their timely attention to the wants of our sick and wounded soldiers, and we assure them of our steady and warm support in their efforts to maintain for Illinois the proud position of pre-eminent loyalty which she now occupies.

Resolved, That we have watched the traitorous conduct of those members of the Illinois Legislature who misrepresent their constituents—who have been proposing a cessation of the war, avowedly to arrange terms for peace, but really to give time for the exhausted rebels to recover strength and renew their plottings to divest Governor Yates of the right and authority vested in him by our state constitution and laws, and to them we calmly and firmly say, beware of the terrible retribution that is falling upon your coadjutors at the south, and that as your crime is ten-fold blacker it will swiftly smite you with ten-fold more horrors, should you persist in your damnable work of treason.

Resolved, That in tending our thanks to Governor Yates, and assuring him of our hearty support in his efforts to crush this inhuman rebellion, we are deeply and feelingly in "earnest.” We have left to the protection of the laws he is to enforce, all that is dear to man — our wives, our children, our parents, our homes, — and should the loathsome treason of the madmen who are trying to wrest from him a portion of his just authority render it necessary in his opinion for us to return and crush out treason there, we will promptly obey a proper order so to do, for we despise a sneaking, whining traitor in the rear much more than an open rebel in front.

Resolved, That we hold in contempt, and will execrate any man who in this struggle for national life, offers factious opposition to either the federal or state government in their efforts or measures for the vigorous prosecution of the war for the suppression of this godless rebellion.

Resołved, That we are opposed to all propositions for a cessation of hostilities, or a compromise other than those propositions which the government has constantly offered; “Return to loyalty--to the laws and common level with the other states of the Union, under the constitution as our fathers made it."

Lieut. Col. PHILLIPS, 9th Illinois,

T. N. LETTON, Adjutant 50th Illinois.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 135-8

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Tuesday, October 14, 1862

This morning our camp is staked off, and we take our position and stake our tents. Our brigade now consists of the Seventh, Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh Illinois, and the Twenty-second and Eighty-first Ohio, commanded by Colonel A. J. Babcock, of the Seventh. There is a commotion in the Second Division. The Cincinnati Commercial, with W. D. B.'s lying communication, villifying and basely misrepresenting the heroic Second Division, who so bravely stemmed the current of battle on Corinth's sanguinary field, has been circulated. The heroes of Belmont, Fort Donelson and Shiloh rage to-night, and adding still more to this correspondent's villification, comes the congratulatory address of General Rosecrans, with the following remarkable passage : "I desire especially to offer my thanks to General Davies and his Division, whose magnificent fighting on the third more than atones for all that was lacking on the fourth.” As a defense, we will simply transcribe the circular of “Justice," written by a soldier of the Second Division, which gives a clear exposition of facts relative to the history of the Second Division in the two day's battle at Corinth:

“They did fail to do what they should have done, namely: there were captured by the whole army of Rosecrans, two thousand two hundred and sixty-eight prisoners, and the Second Division (Davies'), captured only one thousand four hundred and sixty of that number, mostly on the fourth; they should have captured the whole. Then again the whole army captured fourteen stand of colors; Davies' Division captured ten of these on the fourth; they should have taken all! They fought Van Dorn and Price's army on the third, alone, and whipped them. This was right. On the fourth they fought with others and whipped the enemy; they should have done it alone and would have done so but for the giving may of troops on the right flank-names I will not mention. Now, the Second Division well know they should have done all these things alone, and they must throw themselves upon the clemency of a forgiving country. The throbbing patriot's heart will

have some sympathy, and the facts will atone for the short-comings of the Second Division when they are told that they went into action on the third with two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five officers and men, the balance of the Division being detailed in and about Corinth. Loss, seventy-five officers; total loss, one thousand and four. Forgive these “lacking and erring boys of the Northwest, for next time they will try and do better.”

We remain in this camp, uninterrupted until November the 2d, when we are ordered inside the fortifications, the greater portion of the troops having left on an expedition southward. It is said our Division will remain and garrison Corinth for awhile. Our regiment is now camped close to Corinth, on the old battle field of October the 4th, and the probability is that we will remain here for some time, and in view of these indications, the Seventh is soon at work fixing up its quarters, building chimneys and fire places; and making general preparations for the approaching cold weather. The Seventh having its complement of mechanics, it is not long until the quarters are made quite comfortable, and as we look along the officers’ line this evening we behold a neat row of chimneys, the work of the genial and accommodating “General Grant” of Company K. Of course the officers will all vote the General their hearty thanks.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 118-20

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Friday, October 3, 1862

This morning ere it is light, the drums are heard, which tell us that something is demanded of the Seventh—a march and a fight forsooth. Orders for a march we have already received, but orders for a battle may be forthcoming, for these come unexpected sometimes. Rumor, which is ever busy, is circulating many things; one is that Price and Van Dorn, being dissatisfied with Iuka, are now threatening Corinth. But every one seems to be ignorant of anything hostile any where in Northern Mississippi. The Seventh is soon ordered into line, and with everything buckled and in trim, we take up the line of march towards Corinth. After going a short distance, we are ordered to move in double-quick time. This leads us to think that there is something coming this way; that will give us battle music, but who will play it, we know not. We are soon in Corinth; everything is in commotion; troops are moving, and aids and orderlies dashing everywhere. Soon we are informed that Colonel Olive, with the Fifteenth Michigan, has been driven in from Chewalla, an out-post on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, nine miles south of Corinth. An orderly is now seen dashing up the Chewalla road. He comes from Colonel Olive, and informs the General that the Fifteenth Michigan is pressed, and if not reinforced, will be unable to maintain its position now on the hill, on the line of the old rebel works, crossing the Chewalla road, two and a half miles from Corinth. Colonel Babcock is ordered forward on double-quick time with the Seventh, to reinforce him. Arriving at the scene of action, we find McArthur in command on the hill. Reporting to him, Colonel Babcock is ordered to take his position in the rebel works, forty rods to the right of the Fifteenth Michigan; the artillery being immediately to our left. Colonel Babcock now sends forward Company H, deployed on a skirmish line along a ravine beyond the abattis. Soon we hear sharp firing down there; with a sweeping power the rebels are hurled against them, compelling them to fall back, and as they come over the works, they carry with them Lieutenant Ring, wounded and bleeding, which is a serious loss to the company. It is sad to think that after he had obtained permission from the General in the morning to return to his company, that he should thus fall in the commencement of the battle; that the company should thus be deprived of its brave leader, But such are the fortunes of war; the brave spirited heroes are generally the first to go down. Before Lieutenant Ring is carried from the field, he says to his men, “I may never be with you any more," and exhorts them to stand firm for the old flag and do it and their homes honor, as they had always done on every battle-field. How sad it makes us feel to see our brave ones fall; to see our leading spirits leave us when we can illy spare them. The brave Ring is now borne back in his glory.

We will now turn to the situation. By this time it is discovered that Price and Van Dorn are in our immediate front with their entire commands, numbering about twenty-five thousand men, which tells us plainly that there will be a work of blood to-day in these woods. We now look across the abattis and behold the angry legions of the south moving towards our front in terrible array. The battery on our left, the Fifteenth Michigan, and the Fifty-seventh on the left of the Fifteenth, now open a terrific fire. At this juncture we discover a large body of rebels emerging from the timber in solid column, about forty rods to our right, moving directly across the unprotected works. The Seventh turns its fire towards them and checks them for a few minutes. This column's fire soon turns the Seventh's right flank. The enemy in our front having been repulsed by the Seventh, soon rally and are on to the breach again, receiving our fire. with a remarkable indifference. Up to this time the battery and the force on our left have been making the woods ring with their terrible thunder, but they are silent now; their cannons are still; their musketry is hushed. What means it all? Owing to the dense undergrowth in the woods we are hid from them. Colonel Babcock has not received any word from McArthur since taking his position here. The battle still rages in our immediate front. Colonel Babcock casts his eye to the rear; he looks down a ravine and beholds the Chewalla road swarming with rebels. The fact soon flashes upon his mind that McArthur, with his force, has been driven from the hill, leaving the Seventh isolated and alone. The rebels are now pressing us in the front, a column moving past us to our right, another rebel force on the Chewalla road to our left and rear, pressing McArthur hard. This is our position; rebels in our front, rebels on our right and rear, rebels on our left and rear; soon their right and left columns will meet; soon we will be surrounded if we remain here. Colonel Babcock's observing eye sees the situation of the regiment in an instant. The command is given, ‘By the right of companies to the rear.” Will we get back? Will we save ourselves by moving direct to the rear? We may; this is our only hope. The regiment moves steadily; no confusion, no panic; how like clock-work they move. We succeed in getting back ere the rebel columns meet. We find Colonel Olive's command and the regiments composing the Third Brigade, in line of battle one-half mile from the hill, where they had been driven. The Third Brigade is now formed on the Chewalla road; the Seventh on the right, with the left resting on the road, and in their order the Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh on the left of the road; and as soon as the Seventh is formed, Colonel Babcock reports to General McArthur, who had assumed command of that part of the line. By his direction we move by the left flank east of the Chewalla road, forming a new line of battle facing north. Companies I and C, under the command of the gallant Captain Johnson are now deployed forward on a skirmish line covering the front of the Third Brigade. The positions of the regiments in the Third Brigade are as follows: The Fifty-seventh on the right, and in their order the Seventh and the Fftieth. Thus is the position of the Second Division, commanded by General Davies: The First Brigade, commanded by General Hackleman, in the center; the Second Brigade, commanded by General Oglesby, on the right; and the Third Brigade, commanded Colonel Baldwin, on the left.

There is a lull now; the rebels seem hesitating. The heat is intense; no water; the men are famishing; some of the Seventh fall in their tracks, fainting and exhausted under the scorching sun.

While the men are thus suffering, we advance; the Fifty-seventh takes the lead, the Seventh follows, then the Fiftieth. Through the woods they swept with the power of a terrible whirlwind. For one-half mile they surge with a relentless force, making a fearful inroad among the rebels, but at this juncture fresh rebel troops are hurled against our flanks, compelling us to give way. That was a try. ing hour; the storm raged furiously; the woods were wrapped in smoke and flame. We fall back to our former position, and crossing the railroad, move back a short distance, where we find the Sixth Division drawn up in line of battle. General McArthur now directs Colonel Babcock to take his regiment to the rear of the Division and let it rest.

The Sixth Division advances and engages the enemy and for fifteen minutes the storm rages wildly. Generals Hackleman and Oglesby charge from the white house, near Corinth. General Hackleman falls a martyr—goes down in the sweeping tempest, and at the same time General Oglesby is badly wounded; thus we lose from the Union army two brave and noble men.

Night now lets fall her dark mantle, and the great storm is hushed. General Davies’ Division made a fearful swing to-day. During the long weary hours while his men were famishing and dying, he fought the whole rebel army and held it in cheek. Where was Rosecrans, with Hamilton and Stanly, when the Second Division was struggling as warriors have but few times struggled on this continent? They may have been where duty called. We trust they were. It may have been necessary for the Second Division to alone stem the angry current, and to-night we feel glad that we never let the old flag go down, but kept her up to gladden the hearts of many brave men as their life blood ebbed away on this field of fearful carnage.

We are ordered into camp one-half mile southeast of Corinth, near the college, but we do not remain here long until Colonel Babcock receives orders to report with the regiment to Corinth. Though the men are weary, they are soon in line. On arriving near the town, we are ordered to halt, and as soon as done the battle worn men drop down upon the ground to rest themselves; but their eyes are scarcely closed, when again the command "all in" is given, and we move to another position, and thus during the long weary night we are kept moving from one place to another; and, in consequence, there is no sleep for the tired and almost exhausted Seventh.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 91-7

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Saturday, October 4, 1862

At two o'clock this morning the Second Division is huddled promiscuously around the headquarters of General Rosecrans, on the north side of Corinth. About three o'clock, a sheet of fire is seen to burst from a rebel battery planted during the night in the woods near the Purdy road; all morning it continues to send forth its glaring light; the air is full of bursting shell; the heavens seem all ablaze; the stars for a moment seem eclipsed. The light from the morning king is now flashing against the bayonets of the two hostile armies. Smoke and, wrathful messengers still continue to leap from the woods where the rebel monster frowns, and as its storm comes sweeping on its track, death follows in its wake, for some brave men are seen to fall, breathe quickly, and die. Our big guns at batteries Williams and Robinet now open upon this rebel battery with a roar that is hideous; sending echoes across the fields and through the surrounding woods that sound unearthly. This battery is soon disabled, and rebel heels are seen to fly heavenward, thus putting a stop to its deadly sweeps.

About eight o'clock the regiment is moved forward and placed in a position behind some temporary works constructed during the night. The position of the Second Division resembles an ox yoke, minus the bows; the First Brigade and Powell's battery forming the right curve, with the bulge facing the enemy north and northwest; the Second Brigade forming the center, facing northwest, and the Third Brigade forming the left curve, facing north and west. The position of the Third Brigade, commanded by Colonel Dubois, U. S. A., is as follows: The Seventh Illinois on the right with its right resting on the Purdy road, and in their order the Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh Illinois. Soon after taking our position in the great yoke of bayonets, Colonel Babcock is ordered to move forward, deploy his regiment and support Berge's sharp-shooters. We soon discovered the enemy crossing the railroad in large force. Upon making the discovery we are ordered to return to our position in the "yoke.” The enemy is now evidently making preparations to take Corinth, if possible, at the point of the bayonet.

While there is a lull in consequence of these preparations, we will review the situation. Here, marshaled upon Corinth's fields, can be seen thousands of determined warriors supporting their bristling steel, waiting to engage in the work of blood. There is silence along the Seventh's line, and we all feel that it will prove to be a line of stout hearts. The gallant Colonel Babcock and Lieutenant Colonel Rowett are at their posts. The commanders of companies, Captains Lawyer, Hunter, Johnson, Knowlton, McGuire, Perrin, Clark, and Lieutenants Estabrook, Pegram, Smith, Sullivan, Sweeny, Raymond, Ahern, Atchison and Gillson are resting upon their drawn swords. They will soon wield them and we know that they will be wielded so as to reflect glory and honor upon those who swing them. The story of the terrible days of the past assure us as much. The sun is now far up in the sky, but it is evident that ere it sinks to rest many a noble soldier will have laid himself down for a quiet, eternal sleep. We look across the fields; the ghastly stars and bars are seen peering from the woods; the drunken Arkansas legions under the command of General Caball are surging towards the Third Brigade's front, four regiments deep in columns of attack. The redoubt on the right is now taken; the right is giving way in confusion; there is a gap in the line to our right on the Purdy road; the attack on the left being slight, the Fifty-seventh is removed therefrom and thrown into this breach. At this period a battery in our rear on an elevation overlooking Corinth opens upon General Caball's charging column. The shot from this battery falling short, Sergeant Wheeler, of Company H of the Seventh, is thereby killed. The battle now rages furiously; many noble men are falling victims; streams of blood are flowing; the death archer is at work. The charging column is overwhelming; the Seventh is now driven from the temporary works; the yoke is broken; the regiment is retreating slowly; they are contesting manfully every inch of the ground. Falling back a short distance, Colonel Babcock and Lieutenant Colonel Rowett, with the ready assistance of the officers of the line, succeed in rallying the regiment, forming a line at a small house on the out-skirts of Corinth, where the Seventh stands like a pillar of fire. Volley after volley they are now sending into the Arkansas hosts. They seem determined though they die to keep the old flag in the wind. On, the storm king of battle rides. Reckless shot and shell are making deep furrows in the earth. The air is full of whistling minies; things look fearful. We stand amid the dead and dying. Smoke from iron mouths rolls everywhere; everything seems to be wrapped in flames. How can our thinned and almost famished Seventh stem this mad storm! For a few moments, the regiment's determined front staggers the enemy and throws them into confusion, but they have re-formed, and are now coming across the open field in terrible array. The regiment that has thus far stood up so manfully is now made to waver-the flag is seen to tremble. At this trying moment an aid comes dashing down the line (we believe it was Capt. Lovel) crying out, "Oh, noble Seventh! noble Seventh! stand the storm, it won't last long!” The battery on the hill in the rear still continues its firing. The Seventh being unable to stand against the overwhelming and sweeping rebel force, and being exposed to the fierce storms of this (our own) battery on the hill, again falls back and forms out of the line of its fire. In this retreat the gallant and brave Lieutenant Estabrook of Company E was killed. The battle all along the entire line is now raging desperately. The earth is trembling around Fort Robinet, wrathful thunder is rolling from her brazen guns. The battle smoke seems to roll against the sky. General Rogers and his Texan legions have thrown themselves into the ordeal there, but like grass before the mower's scythe his mad rangers are falling victims to a wicked ambition. We now turn our eyes, casting them along the Second Division's crippled line. They are fighting desperately against fearful odds, hotly contesting every inch of ground on the streets of Corinth. The regiments are broken up in small squads, commanded by Lieutenants and Sergeants. Colonel Babcock and Lieutenant Colonel Rowett, with a part of the regiment are now standing heroically with their trembling flag; the remaining part of the Regiment being disconnected from the colors, is engaged in heated contest on other parts of the field. Confusion reigns; darkness seems to be throwing her sable wings around the struggling Second Division. The main drift of the battle has been against them. General Davies, with the gallant Captains Lovel and Hanna, Colonel Dubois, Colonel Babcock, Lieutenant Colonel Rowett, and the brave officers of the line, have been laboring hard to check the adverse tide.

The sun is now passing down towards the western horizon. Will the battle be lost? will this brave army be crushed? will the flag be lowered? will the loyal people be compelled to bow their heads and drop tears over another ill-fated field ? No! Such a story shall not go to the hearts of the loyal people. We look away; we behold the right wing swinging around, hurling volley after volley into the flanks of the enemy. There is a reaction now; the Second Division rallies again, and led by General Davies, fights with renewed vigor. The rebel lines are seen to waver; our big guns are now mowing them down by hundreds. Seeing this wavering of the rebels, the men are encouraged. Colonel Babcock, with the Seventh, moves firmly and with power. The Fiftieth are making a glorious charge; a smile of triumph seems to be playing on every face. The enemy are being driven; foot by foot they are falling back from Corinth's field. The Union's proud banner is again advancing; loud shouts from our lines are making a din in the air. The dying heroes, as they pass away, leave ringing in our ears, “Follow the flag!” “Keep it up!” “Dont let it fall!”. Oh! what hearts! what glory! what manhood! A rebel retreat is ordered. The shouts of victory make the welkin ring. The old Seventh's flag in its shreds and ribbons seems to shed a halo of glory around its exultant and happy defenders.

Sergeant Newell and Corporal Bordwell, color bearers, deserve honorable mention for their gallantry in carrying our flag through this terrible battle. No braver soldiers ever moved on a battle-field. No one ever looked to the rear to see the Seventh's colors; but on the front line in the fiercest of the battle, their noble bearers were ever seen standing with them. They unfurled them in the battle wind and never let them go down. They seemed to be the pride of their hearts, and their faces looked sad when the fortunes of battle compelled them to carry them back. In the wide universe there is nothing so beautiful to behold as a brave man fighting for his country's flag; nothing more beautiful than to see fearless spirits like Sergeant Newell and Corporal Bordwell, bearing the proud banner of freedom through smoke and flame.

Night has now come, and the worn and almost exhausted Seventh lie down upon the blood-stained field to obtain some rest. Though we are all weary and tired, we feel glad in our hearts that the old flag has been honored to-day, and while we thus feel happy we feel sad when we look around us and see. that comrades and officers who were with us yesterday morning and this morning are with us no more. The following is the Seventh's casualties in the two days’ battle:

STAFF.—First Lieutenant William Brown, Quartermaster, mortally wounded; T. N. Francis, Adjutant, wounded in font; Fred W. Cross, Fife Major, wounded through mouth, severely.

COMPANY B. —John Fifer, killed; Wentworth D. Wolf, taken prisoner; John Devine, corporal, wounded in the face; W. Graham, corporal, wounded in left shoulder; L. D. Porter, private, wounded in left hand, finger off; Wm. Auld, wounded in left hand, severely; Wm. Nelson, wounded in left hand slightly.

COMPANY C. —E. R. Roberts, First Lieutenant, wounded in hand, finger off; W. H. Ferguson, Second Lieutenant, wounded in right arm, severely; Clark B. Alford, private, killed; G. W. Baldwin, private, wounded in right arm; Edgar. Campbell, private, wounded in right hand; J. Hamilton, private, wounded in hand, slightly; J Kopf, private, wounded in arm, slightly; William Shell, taken prisoner.

COMPANY D. —Sergeant F. Bradshaw, taken prisoner; Corporal T. Raymond, taken prisoner; T. M. Reeves, private, taken prisoner; W. H. Harris, private, taken prisoner; Michael Greely, private, taken prisoner; Michael Walsh, private, wounded slightly.

COMPANY E. —Henry N. Estabrook, Second Lieutenant, killed; John Tefft, private, killed; Jasper Eveland, private, wounded, leg amputated; William Robinson, private, wounded in hip; Albion P. Gossard, private, wounded in arm;. Thomas H. Watt, private, wounded in shoulder, severely; John B. Forbes, private, wounded in hip, severely; Joseph Lancaster, private, wounded in head, severely; Edwin R. Jones, private, wounded in head, severely; Martin V. Miller, sergeant, taken prisoner; John J. Frost, private, taken prisoner.

COMPANY F. —James Adams, private, killed; Bernard Keely, private, mortally wounded; R. C. Staples, private, wounded; Hans Hanson, private, wounded; Joshua S. March, private, taken prisoner.

COMPANY G.—William Hawks, private, wounded, finger off; D. C. Munson, corporal, wounded in thigh, severely.

COMPANY H. —Jacob L. Ring, First Lieutenant, wounded in breast, severely; Laban Wheeler, sergeant, killed; W.T. Taylor, private, wounded in hip, severely; Edmond H. Cook, private, wounded in foot, slightly; John D. Turner, corporal, taken prisoner; James M. Halbert, private, taken prisoner; John Fowler, private, taken prisoner; William T. Omay, private, taken prisoner.

COMPANY I. —John H. Shankland, first sergeant, wounded in chin, slightly; David Walker, private; wounded in ankle; Robert Walker, private, wounded in right shoulder; George Heisey, private, wounded in arm severely; Patrick Crowley, private, wounded in right foot, severely; John Mow, private, wounded in left leg, severely; Michael O'Connor, private, wounded in left hand; John W. Campbell, sergeant, taken prisoner; Peter Miller, private, taken prisoner; Wm. E. Norton, private, taken prisoner; Daniel J. Baker, private, taken prisoner.

COMPANY K. —Felix Lane, private, wounded slightly in the face; Richard Taylor, private, wounded slightly in the back; George Palmer, private, taken prisoner; David Lewis, private, taken prisoner; Mike Connerty, private, taken prisoner. Total number killed, 6; total number wounded, 43; total number taken prisoners, 21 ; sum total of losses, 70.

As we look over this roll of honor, we think of those noble hearts that have ceased their pulsations forever, and of those now bleeding, mangled and torn, lying in the Corinth hospitals. In the years to come, when the tocsin of war shall have been hushed and the country is at peace, may America's great loyal people drop tears to the memory of those fallen heroes, and throw a fostering arm around her maimed and crippled warriors whose glorious nobility will be traced back to the most sanguinary battlefields of the nineteenth century. As we cast our eyes around us, we are wont to say, oh! had we the picture emblazoned upon canvass, with all its horrifying details and gloomy shadows; could the loyal people but discern the ardor, the industry, the exertion, the valor, the iron arm of strength that was raised in these two days on Corinth’s bloody field; could they but feel the glow of patriotism that warmed the hearts and brightened the eyes of those noble ones, who went down to-day on this crimson field; could they but feel the inspiration of the hour when life was nothing and the country all, they would then know the importance of the hour and believe in the providence of God, who will guide the ship of state into a prosperous haven. The Seventh is now sleeping; they are weary; their loss has been heavy. Terrible were the shafts of war hurled against them. When the battle's smoke vanished away, we all bowed our heads in silence, when we remembered that the gallant officer and christian soldier, Lieutenant Henry N. Estabrook, of Company E, was with us no more, but was sleeping the eternal sleep on Corinth's field of glory.

History tells of many brave spirits; its pages are teeming with plaudits for its daring heroes. But the historian has never moved his pen to eulogize a truer manhood and a purer spirit than was embodied in the life and character of Lieutenant Estabrook. Possessing an excellence of character, a gentlemanly demeanor, and high-toned manhood, he won for himself the esteem of his men and fellow officers. Though he was engaged in working war's mad machine, it never cast a shadow upon his Christian character. His mind was ever dwelling upon things that were high, grand and noble; spurning that which was groveling and ignoble as beneath the dignity of a Christain [sic] gentleman. We saw him when he fell; when the Union army's center was giving way, and while waving his sword, and cheering his gallant men, he went down beneath the old Union's swaying flag, and as his life-blood ebbed away upon the altar of the world's last hope, a smile was seen to play upon his face; it was a smile of triumph, a smile of sunshine and of glory, and the indistinct language of his soul was, "Lo, peace is here.” And his spirit fied from this field of blood and death, home to God. A truer man, a better commanding officer, a braver soldier than Lieutenant Estabrook has never been stricken down on America's great battle-fields. No purer spirit ever fluttered for entrance at the windows of heaven. Though he is dead, his name will ever live in the memory of the Seventh, and especially in the memory of his noble company, who stood with him until he fell a martyr to freedom. The faithful historian will write his name among the crowned ones of immortality. And from the warrior's grand calendar no ribbon, nor belt, nor jeweled cross will ever bear a prouder name than that of Lieutenant Henry N. Estabrook.

Lieutenant Brown, regimental quartermaster, deserves honorable mention. He was mortally wounded on the first day, while endeavoring to get water to his famishing and suffering regiment. Stemming danger and death, with a noble determination to work his way to where the smoke of battle rolled around the Seventh, he fell amid the raging tempest, fell in the performance of his duty to his country and his men. Brave soldiers who went down in this great battle, you have won for yourselves a Peace to your ashes. May the patriot pilgrims who in the years to come pass this way, drop tears of grateful remembrance over your last resting place, and may they feel that you have gathered laurels, eternal and bright as a pyramid of stars. Every one, officers and men, played well their part in this great battle. Ever found where duty called, each one is worthy of honorable mention—hence we will leave Corinth without particularizing any one of the gallant survivors.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 97-109

Monday, November 2, 2020

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Tuesday, April 29, 1862

This morning we commence early to make preparations to move from our camp at Shiloh. 9 o'clock.—We are in line, waiting for the command “forward” to be given. Colonel Babcock having returned from the hospital, is now in command of the regiment, and we all feel that he will, as in days past, lead the regiment forth to victory. But we all regret that the gallant Rowett and Ring are not with us to aid in the coming campaign. At ten o'clock the Third Brigade, consisting of the Seventh, Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh Illinois, and Twenty-second Ohio, commanded by Colonel Baldwin, of the Fifty-seventh Illinois, move forward from Pittsburg Landing, marching in the direction of Corinth, Mississippi. Owing to the condition of the roads, and the jamming together of the artillery and the army trains, we only succeed in getting about five miles from the landing, when we go into camp for the night.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 66 

Friday, January 31, 2014

50th Illinois Infantry

Organized at Quincy, Ill., and mustered in September 12, 1861. Moved to Hannibal, Mo., October 9, thence to Chillicothe October 19. To St. Joseph, Mo., November 27; to Palmyra, Mo., December 19, and to St. Joseph, December 24. Attached to Department of Missouri October, 1861, to February, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of West Tennessee, and Army of the Tennessee to July, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Corinth, Miss., to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Corinth, Miss., 13th Army Corps (Old), Department of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 3rd Brigade, District of Corinth, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, District of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 15th Army Corps, to July, 1865.

SERVICE. – Moved from St. Joseph, Mo., to Cairo, Ill., and Smithland, Ky., January 21-28, 1862. Operations against Fort Henry, Tenn., February 2-6. Capture of Fort Henry February 6. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 12-16. Expedition to Clarksville and Nashville, Tenn., February 19-March 1. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 25-31. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Duty at Corinth till November, 1863. Reconnoissance to Bay Springs August 4-7, 1862 (two Companies). Battle of Corinth October 3-4, 1862. Pursuit to Hatchie River October 5-12. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863. Expedition against Forest in West Tennessee December 18, 1862-January 3, 1863. Dodge's Expedition to Northern Alabama April 15-May 3, 1863. Great Bear Creek and Cherokee Station April 17. Rock Cut, near Tuscumbia, April 22. Tuscumbia April 23. Town Creek April 28. Moved to LaGrange, Tenn., and return to Corinth October 11-17. Moved to Eastport, Pulaski and Lynnville November 6-12, and duty there till March, 1864. Regiment mounted November 17, and Veteranize January 1, 1864. Veterans on furlough till March 5. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8. Demonstration on Resaca May 8-13. Sugar Valley, near Resaca, May 9. Near Resaca May 13. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Lay's Ferry, Oostenaula River, May 14-15. Rome Cross Roads May 16. Assigned to garrison duty at Rome, Ga., till November. Battle of Allatoona October 5. Cave Springs Road October 12-13. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Ogeechee Canal December 9. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Salkehatchie Swamps, S.C., February 2-5. South Edisto River February 9. North Edisto River February 11-12. Columbia February 15-17. Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 20-21. Occupation of Goldsbore March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his Army. March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 19. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June 3-8. Mustered out July 13, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 60 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 129 Enlisted men by disease. Total 191.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1068-9

Monday, March 22, 2010

From The Eighth Iowa Regiment

CAMP PITTSBURG, Tenn., April 18.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE:– Several days have now elapsed since the memorable battle of Pittsburg Landing. I presume from various sources you have received descriptions of the fight. Many reasons, in the form of attendance on the wounded, hunting for acquaintances in other regiments, and fatigue, have prevented an earlier communication. I shall now attempt a brief account of the battle, not attempting a full description, but confining myself to the brigade to which the 8th Iowa was attached, and more especially to the regiment which I had the honor to serve. The information I shall give may be relied on, as it is gathered from personal observation partly, and still more from others, who being combatants and actually in the engagement, are better qualified to give a correct account.


The enemy’s advance lines were in sight of our outposts as early as Friday afternoon, April 4th. The fact that a battery was planted near our lines was communicated to Gen. Sherman, who commanded the division on our extreme right, and in the advance. He had received orders from Gen. Grant “not to bring on an engagement,” and supposing the design of the enemy was to induce skirmishing and endeavor to learn something of our strength, paid no attention to the battery or the skirmishing of pickets. Evidently our commanders were not expecting an attack, but soon as Gen. Buell’s column should come up, intended an advance. Saturday was quiet except skirmishing. On Sunday, April 6th, the attack was made, and found us entirely unprepared. Our line of encampment was somewhat in the form of a crescent. The enemy attacked us by what is termed the letter V movement. The apex of the letter V rested on our center. The two lines, extending back obliquely, where admirably formed for flanking us on both wings. We, who were camped near the river, heard heavy cannonading early on the morning of the 6th for an hour or two before we were ordered out. Meantime, several of our advance regiments were driven back – some had scarcely time to form a line of battle at all; others, overpowered by numbers retreated in good order, loading and firing as [they] fell back. The first regular line of battle was formed about 9 a. m. This was the first I saw, and I believe, from what I can learn, it was the first formed by our main army. I shall now write more particularly of the part taken by the Iowa 8th, which was in this line.


Between 8 and 9 a. m. on Sunday, our brigade – third brigade, second division – was ordered out. This brigade consisted of the 8th Iowa, 52d, 7th, 58th, 57th and 50th Illinois regiments, under command of Col. Sweeny, of the 52d Illinois. The 8th Iowa occupied the right center of the brigade, and in the line of battle the brigade was posted in the right center of the line. On our left was Gen. McClernand’s division and I think Gen. Hurlbut’s. On our right the Iowa brigade, formerly Col. Lauman’s, but during the battle under command of Col. Tuttle, 2d Iowa. Shortly after the line of battle was formed, the 52d Illinois moved off to the right, and was soon followed by the 7th Illinois. The design of this movement I have never learned, but it left our right entirely unsupported, and an open space between us and the regiments which filed off. On the right of the 8th Iowa two cannon were placed. Of these guns our gallant Colonel took command for a short time, and so pointed them as to rake the enemy. Col. Geddes was for many years an artillery officer in the British regular service. He saw these guns were not worked too good advantage, and riding up to the man in charge gave directions. The man said, “If you can manage these guns better than I, do so.” The Colonel replied, “I can,” and immediately took command. With what effect the check which the advancing enemy received best tells, and more than vindicates the Colonel’s action. On the left of the 8th was another gun, so pointed as to prevent an oblique movement of the enemy on our left flank and to protect the regiments on our left. All this while the enemy were pouring a tremendous volley from cannon and small arms into our lines. Two guns had been taken from one of our batteries early in the morning. These guns were now in front of our regiment. Their recovery was determined on. Our men had been lying down allowing the enemy’s fire to pass over them; meanwhile Col. Geddes was riding along the line or directing the two guns on our right, smoking his pipe and giving orders with the same coolness as if on battalion drill. It is also due to Lieut. Col. Ferguson and Maj. Andrews to say that they conducted themselves with the utmost coolness and bravery. The recovery of the lost guns being determined upon, the Colonel ordered the 8th Iowa to charge. A more brilliant or successful charge need never be made. Forward after their gallant commander, whom every man loved as a brother and trusted as one more than human, rushed our noble Iowa boys. The guns were seized by our brave boys, and with their own hands hauled off from the enemy. In this charge most of our brave fellows, who were killed in the battle, fell; but they fell not in vain. – I was over the ground on Tuesday morning, when we were gathering up their bodies. I passed over to the place into which they had discharged volley after volley from their trusty Springfield and Enfield rifles. Never have I anywhere seen – at Wilson’s Creek or on this battle ground, over all of which I have ridden – bushes and small trees so completely cut and riddled by rifle balls, as was the spot where our boys took good aim and true, and nowhere on the whole field did I see the rebels shot dead, lie thicker than among these riddled bushes. Other regiments fought nobly, heroically, but we of Iowa may justly be proud to point to that charge of our 8th, and fearlessly challenge any and all to show, on any part of the bloody field, evidences of cooler bravery or more terrible execution. It is with feelings of profoundest sorrow that I have to record, but a few hours after this brilliant and successful charge.


The 8th Iowa, after re-taking the captured guns, returned nearly to their former position. Their right, as already observed, was unsupported. It became necessary now to change front by flanking on the left, both to get the guns they had in charge in good position, and to avoid as far as was possible the raking fire of the enemy. Meantime, the enemy’s fire had taken great effect on the right and left of our line, which was gradually falling back. The 8th Iowa did not fall back with the line, but held its ground some time longer. How this happened, is to me not yet fully explained. I am however, fully satisfied no blame whatever, can be attached to Col. Geddes. He did his duty nobly, heroically. In the charge, his horse was shot under him by a grape, but he sprang from his back and still led his men onward. I conjecture, and from the circumstances, with the utmost probability, that Col. Geddes was not fully aware of his position. He was placed in position by his commanding officer. His duty was to maintain that position as long as possible, or until ordered elsewhere. – Comparatively early in the action, Col. Sweeney, was commanded the brigade, was severely wounded. After he left the field, no order, so far as I can learn, was given to Col. Geddes. From his position he could not see what was going on on his right. He had no time to inquire who were falling back on his left. When overpowered by numbers, he fell back in good order, bringing on the artillery in his charge, until after falling back a mile, or perhaps more, from his first position, he found his regiment entirely surrounded. Nothing now could be done but surrender. I was informed, though I cannot vouch for its truth, that Col. Geddes tendered his sword to the Right Rev. Bishop, Mag. Gen. Leonidas Polk. However, this may be, the officer who received the Colonel’s sword handed it back to him. Their swords were returned to all captured officers, and they were treated in a very gentlemanly manner. The officer who received and then returned their swords to our officers, complimented them upon their bravery. – “You are brave men; you have fought bravely, but fought too long,” said he. Both Col. Geddes and Lt. Col. Ferguson received flesh wounds in the leg, and both were taken with their regiment. A horse was offered to Col. Geddes, but he remarked, “I will walk with my boys.” Where our battalion is by this time, we of course do not know. No information has been received. I presume they are somewhere in Southern Alabama or Mississippi, where they can be kept till the close of the war.

Maj. Andrews was severely wounded by a spent ball striking him on the head. He was carried from the field some two hours before our regiment was taken, and thus escaped. His wound, though very serious was thought by the surgeons not to be dangerous. He started for his home in charge of an attendant several days since.

Capt. Hogan, of Co. F, was killed; Capt. Palmer, 1st Lieut. Craigie, and 2nd Lieut. Wells of Co. H, were wounded. But I sent you a list of the killed and wounded of the 8th Iowa, as far as ascertained.


It would scarcely be just, in a narrative of the kind I have attempted, not to speak of the surgeon’s department – for during and after a battle no officer is of more importance, or, if true to his duty, more busy and valuable than the surgeon. It gives me great pleasure to speak of the unwearying industry and skill of the surgeon of the 8th Iowa, James Irwin, and his assistant, Aug. Hoffmeister. When our brigade was ordered out, they, with two ambulances and a hospital wagon followed. Soon as the line of battle was formed, they with their ambulances went as near the line as a regard for the safety of the wounded would permit. This position they occupied, dressing the wounds of the wounded brought to them with care and dispatch, until the fire of the advancing enemy admonished them to fall back. Two or three halts were made in the rear, till about noon the order came to fall back to the river. This was obeyed. – Our surgeon established his hospital on a bluff on the river. Her he had tents pitched, in which the wounded men could be placed. All Sunday afternoon and night, Monday and Tuesday, Dr. Irwin and assistant were unremittingly engaged in dressing wounds, not for their own regiment only, but for any poor fellow whom they had the time to examine and relieve. Here, too, the chaplain found employment, and endeavored to “do the little he could do” for suffering humanity.


All day long the enemy had driven us back. The roar of cannon, whizzing sound of shells and cracking of rifles and musketry had been incessant. I have never read of any engagement in which the discharge of firearms on both sides was so constant and so long continued. Usually such firing settles the battle in three or four hours. We who were with the wounded heard this firing, and knew the enemy were slowly driving our men back to the river. Thousands of our men, for some reason or other came in by detachments from the field to the river, all declaring that their regiments were cut to pieces. No effort on the part of officers could induce these men to return. They seemed to be entirely unmanned, and for the time at least, where acting as arrant cowards. I had occasion about 4 1-2 p. m. to go from our hospital tents over toward the road leading up from the landing – as I returned I heard a cavalry officer giving orders by the authority of Gen. Buell. I inquired of him, and found Gen. Buell had really arrived on this side of the river, and that Gen. Nelson’s division was then crossing. I put the spurs to my horse and hastened to give circulation as best I could, to this most welcome news. We near the river, who saw how things were, had spent an afternoon of torturing anxiety. The fear of personal danger, though balls and shells often whistled and sung in most unpleasant proximity to my ears, was quite lost in the apprehension that our entire force and armament would be taken. Already the enemy had advanced within half a mile of the color lines nearest the river, and we had the ground left for one more stand. This was most nobly made. Two siege guns and a large iron howitzer were placed along our line in the rear. In front of these was all our available artillery and the infantry which had been under fire all day. Next the siege guns lay the first brigade – perhaps more – of Nelson’s division. It was near sundown when the enemy made their last assault. For half an hour the cannonading and musketry was terrific; but our men stood firm, while our 65 pounders and howitzer poured into the enemy’s line a fire they could not stand. About dusk the enemy withdrew, and quartered themselves in our tents, all of which they had left standing. The enemy expected to capture us – tents, camp furniture and all, so they destroyed nothing of these, though the officers were robbed of trunks, clothing, &c. That night all our troops slept or rather lay on their arms in line of battle. All night the gunboats Lexington and Tyler threw a shell about every fifteen minutes into the camp of the enemy. By the way, these gunboats did good service, and the rebels are very much afraid of their shells. Where I lay out on the bank of the river, I could see the flash and hear the report of the gun on the boat, listen to the shell as it went singing over the timber, and then hear it burst with a report like a 24-pound howitzer. Sunday night it rained very hard for an hour or two, but as it was warm our boys got along very well. It was hard on the poor wounded fellows who lay out.


During Sunday night all of Gen. Nelson’s Division had crossed the river; also McCook’s and I believe Crittenden’s; Gen. Lew Wallace was also on hand with his large Division. Our men who had been in the fight on Sunday were in good spirits. Soon as we could see on Monday morning, fresh troops were ordered in the advance – Nelson on the left, McCook the centre, and Wallace on the extreme right, I think. Soon the battle began – the cannonading, and musketry was again terrible, Gen. Buell was on the field near nelson’s Division a little to the left, were balls and shells were falling thick and fast. The place where he stood was shown me by an officer, who received more than one order from him in person; and also a tree just behind the hero, which was riddled by a shell. Of Gen. Buell’s history I know little, but that he is a noble, brave, and eminently capable General is abundantly proven by his conduct on Monday. I have heard military men speak with admiration of his management of the enemy when the flanking operation was attempted. Gen. Buell had his forces so placed that when the enemy fell back to change front and flank, he was held fast, and lost just the distance he had fallen back from his first position.

For two or three hours in the morning the enemy stood well up to the work. They demonstrated on Sunday and Monday that Southern troops lack neither valor nor determination. After a time they began to give way slowly, much as we had done on Sunday; but by the middle of the afternoon they were in full retreat. Their loss on Monday must have been very great, for we pursued them with terrible firing. On Sunday I think our loss was great as theirs, but on Monday, from all I can learn, we must have slaughtered them. All our troops fought nobly on Monday; there was no running to the river, but all stood up to the work. When the sun set on Monday evening, he went down over one of the most glorious victories, as it was undoubtedly the severest battle ever won on this continent. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, who planned and commanded on the rebel side in this battle, was killed on Sunday. Johnson, the Provisional Governor of Kentucky, was wounded and captured. When taken he remarked that there was no more chance for Secessia; she had staked her all in this battle and lost. I believe this Gov. Johnson has since died. It was reported that Beauregard was killed, then that he was wounded. I believe him alive, well and in command, and expect we shall have his skill to combat in our next battle. I can form no correct idea of the number killed and wounded on either side. I suppose we will soon know with respect to our loss from the official reports of Surgeons and Adjutants. Gen. Prentiss was wounded and taken prisoner early on Sunday. Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, of Illinois, was badly wounded, and died soon after he was carried to the boat. The 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa and 58th Illinois were taken prisoners. The loss of these noble regiments casts a shadow over what would otherwise be a most glorious victory.


Yesterday I rode out beyond our advance lines to the pickets. I found, as they used to say about the army of the Potomac, “all quiet along the lines.” There is occasional skirmishing on our outside cavalry pickets, indicating that a portion of the enemy are about somewhere. An attack was somewhat expected the first of the week. Now the indication seem to be that we shall advance as soon as the roads will permit. – Troops are still coming in, and those camped far back are moving toward the advance. – Our advance division are now so arranged as themselves to form a kind of pickets. – Batteries are in a position of defence, and, from appearances, by five minutes after the “long roll” – ominous sound to the soldier – is beaten, an hundred thousand men would be in line of battle, and all in a position to support each other. Evidently Gen. Halleck does not intend another surprise. We are pretty well prepared for an attack. Our misfortunes of the 6th have taught us a lesson; all now looks fair for success. – There is, I think, good reason to hope that before the summer is ended, rebellion will be effectually crushed out in the southwest. Let us hope the grand army of the Potomac, or Rappahannock, I believe it is now, may also speedily be successful in fulfilling its part of the great work. C.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 28, 1862, p. 2

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Colonel Henry J. B. Cummings


Henry Johnson Broadhead Cummings is the only representative that little New Jersey can claim among the Iowa Colonels. He was born in the town of Newton, Sussex county, on the 21st day of May, 1831, and continued to reside at that place until he was ten years of age. He then accompanied his parents to Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where he lived till he reached his eighteenth year. His education was acquired at the common schools of that county. In his eighteenth Winter, he taught school, and after its close, entered the law-office of Judge Maynard of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and began the study of the law. From 1851 to 1854, he edited a paper in Schuylkill Haven, after which he resumed his legal studies in the office of Henry Johnson, Esq., of Muncey, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. But, being without means, he was again compelled to return to the editorial tripod. In 1856, he came West and located in Winterset, Iowa, where he opened an office, and for the first time entered upon the practice of his profession. That same Winter, he assisted in organizing the Republican Party in Madison county; and, in the following August, was elected Prosecuting Attorney for that county. Later, he became a law-partner of the Hon. M. S. McPherson, who, in 1860, was a member of the Iowa State Senate.

Colonel Cummings first entered the war as captain of Company F., 4th Iowa Infantry. While the regiment was at its rendezvous in Council Bluffs, he was elected by the line officers its major. He was not, however, commissioned by the Governor; for Captain English, of the same regiment, had been previously promoted to that rank. Captain Cummings served in the 4th Iowa Infantry until the 6th of September, 1862, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 39th Iowa Infantry.

The first engagement of the 39th Iowa, was at Parker's Cross Roads, Tennessee, on the 31st of December, 1862. The enemy were led by Forest, and numbered from five to seven thousand men. The Union forces engaged comprised only one brigade, commanded by Colonel Dunham of the 50th Indiana, and numbered not quite sixteen hundred men.

So soon as the enemy learned of General Grant's plans for the capture of Vicksburg, in the fall of 1862, they at once set on foot schemes for their frustration; and, only a few days after the Federal army had marched from Holly Springs, Van Dorn and Forest were dispatched against General Grant's rear, to overwhelm small garrisons, and destroy all supplies and lines of communication. Van Dorn marched for Holly Springs and vicinity, while Forest made his appearance along the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. On the morning of the 31st of December, 1862, Forest, with the greater portion of his command, was encamped in the timber, about half a mile west of Parker's Cross Roads. A small detachment was stationed at the Cross Roads; and these Colonel Dunham, while moving with his command down the road in the direction of Red Mound, encountered at about eight o'clock in the morning.

But, to give an intelligible history of this affair, I should refer briefly to the previous movements of the 39th Iowa. On the 18th of December, 1862, the regiment left Columbus, Kentucky, under orders to report to General G. M. Dodge at Corinth. Arriving at Jackson, it was ordered by General Sullivan to disembark; for an attack upon that place by Forest was hourly looked for. It remained at Jackson four days, when, it becoming evident that Forest did not intend attacking that place, it was sent back to Trenton. There it was organized with the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois, and sent in pursuit of Forest, then reported at Huntingdon, thirty miles east. Parker's Cross Roads is between Huntingdon and Lexington, where, as above stated, a portion of Forest's command was encountered.

The 50th Indiana was at once deployed as skirmishers, and drove the small detachment back to the main body, stationed on the hill or in the timber. Colonel Dunham now began making his dispositions to attack them in this position; but he soon learned that the position was so strong, and that their numbers so superior to his own that an attempt to rout them must be unsuccessful. After a vigorous use of his artillery, he therefore withdrew his command south, and took up a position on the east side of the road on a gentle rise of ground near Red Mound. The enemy followed and took up a position on the brow of a hill about one thousand yards distant. The enemy had eleven pieces of artillery, and the Federal troops but three; and in all other respects they were equally superior. The engagement now opened with artillery; but only a few shots had been fired, when Colonel Dunham saw that he could not hold his present position. He therefore moved down the hill into low ground, and took position behind a rail fence. The 39th held the left, the 122 Illinois the centre, and the 50th Indiana the right. The enemy still held the brow of the hill In front.

Their position was most admirable. Retiring just behind the crest of the hill, and charging their artillery, they would then shove it forward, and, depressing the pieces, continue a most destructive fire on our lines. Their infantry, too, at long range and well covered, did much execution; while our troops, lying along the fence in the bottom, were able only by their presence to hold the enemy at bay. The right of the line, however, was able to do some execution. Thus matters stood till about four o'clock in the afternoon, when the enemy, despairing of routing the Federal troops from the position they then held, dismounted a force of about one thousand men, and sent them round to the rear of Colonel Dunham's right flank. Moving by a circuitous route through the timber, they were not discovered till their skirmishers opened fire on the right-rear of the Federal line. This was the signal for the enemy on the hill in front to concentrate their artillery-fire on the Federal left; for this was necessary to save their own men, approaching from the rear; and now the shower of grape and canister, which fell on the 39th Iowa, was terrific. With the enemy approaching in its rear, and this terrible fire in front, the right wing of the 39th broke, and sought shelter in a cornfield to the west of the road. Portions of the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois also joined in this brief stampede. But relief was now near at hand: a brigade of reinforcements — the "Ohio Brigade" —soon fell upon the enemy's rear, and scattered their lines in confusion. This, however, was not done till after the 39th Iowa had rallied, and, with the balance of the brigade, driven back the enemy's flanking-party. The engagement now closed, and the Federal troops rested that night on the battle-ground. The following is the result of the engagement: Four hundred prisoners were captured. Five hundred horses and seven cannon were also among the spoils of war; but the three pieces of artillery belonging to the command of Colonel Dunham had been literally knocked to pieces. The losses of the 39th Iowa, in killed, wounded and missing, were forty-seven. Three only were killed; and among these was the color-guard, J. C. Stearns. The gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield, while rallying his men, was severely wounded in the shoulder. Major Griffiths, Captain Browne and Lieutenant Rawls were also among the wounded. This was the first engagement of the 39th Iowa; and all things considered, it sustained itself well.

With the battle of Parker's Cross Roads closed the old year of 1862. On the morning following, the 39th Iowa, with the balance of its brigade, started on the return march to Jackson, where it arrived on the evening of the 2d. At Columbus, as already stated, Colonel Cummings had been ordered to report to General G. M. Dodge, commanding 2d Division, 16th Army Corps, and on the 6th instant he left Jackson with his regiment for Corinth. Arriving at Corinth, the 39th Iowa was assigned to the 2d Brigade, Colonel M. M. Banes, and, for more than a year thereafter, was attached to that command. From the date of its arrival at Corinth, till the time it joined the forces of General Sherman in the grand march on Atlanta, the history of the 39th Iowa may be soon told. It was stationed on garrison-duty, and passed the most of its time in camp.

The march to Tuscumbia, Alabama, the object of which was to cover the movements of Colonel Streight, in his raid into Georgia, I must not, however, omit to mention. All things being in readiness, General Dodge moved out of Corinth with his entire division on the 15th of April, and, proceeding by easy marches, arrived at Bear Creek without incident. At Bear Creek, his advance encountered the enemy under Roddy, and soon after that force was strengthened by the arrival of Forest. But General Dodge pushed steadily on, driving back the enemy with a line of skirmishers, until he arrived at Town Creek. Here the enemy, on the opposite bank, had their artillery in position, which was well supported. An artillery-duel followed of half a day in length, when, bridges having been constructed under the enemy's fire, the forces of General Dodge began crossing to the east side of the stream. The enemy now retired precipitately, and General Dodge, knowing Colonel Streight, who had passed by the enemy's left flank, was well on his way, returned to Corinth. The 39th Iowa arrived at Corinth on the 2d of May. Four days after, Company H of the regiment, while guarding a corral near Corinth, was surrounded by a large body of rebel cavalry and captured. Its Captain, James H. Loomis, was made a prisoner, and only a few of the men escaped.

Colonel Cummings remained with his regiment at Corinth, until November, 1863, and then marched with the command of General Dodge to the line of the Nashville and Decatur Railroad.

He arrived with his regiment at Pulaski the 11th of November, and the day following was sent north seven miles to Reynold's Station, where regimental head-quarters were established. Five companies remained at head-quarters. Three were stationed at grist-mills; and two on guard-duty, at railroad-bridges. Seven weeks later, regimental head-quarters were removed to Culleoka, twenty miles further north. The regiment remained here till the 12th of the following March, when, with its brigade, it marched south to Athens; but its day of garrison- and railroad guard-duty was now soon to close.

In the early part of May, 1864, the 39th Iowa marched with its brigade to Huntsville, where the whole command of General Dodge assembled, preparatory to joining General Sherman on the march against Atlanta: from that point it moved directly to the front at Dalton. But the movements of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps during the Atlanta Campaign have been given elsewhere, and up to the time of the occupation of Rome, the history of the 39th is the same as that of this command: the 39th Iowa, and, I think, all the regiments of its brigade — the 7th, 50th and 57th Illinois Infantry regiments, went no further than Rome, being left at that point to guard Sherman's flank, and his line of communications. Where the regiment most distinguished itself, and where it lost its best officer — Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield — was at Allatoona, Georgia.

Its defense of this place was gallant in the extreme, and a full history of the affair would be read with the greatest interest; but want of space forbids me giving it. The following is from a statement of Major, afterward Lieutenant-Colonel Griffiths:

"The entire force on our side was one thousand eight hundred: that of the enemy, seven thousand. Our forces were commanded by Brigadier-General J. M. Corse. They arrived at 10 o'clock P. M., expecting that the enemy would not attack, knowing they (we) were reinforcements. In this we were deceived. They attacked in the morning at 7 A. M. General Corse had time only to hastily dispose of his little force, when they came up with massed columns.

"The 39th Iowa was placed at the forks of a road, three hundred yards from the fort, where the heaviest column of the enemy charged. It was important to hold this position, and check the enemy. This they did twice, although terribly cut to pieces. The third time the enemy was in such force as to be irresistible, and the remainder of our regiment fell back, contesting every foot of ground to the fort.

"General Corse and the veteran troops, who witnessed the heroism and determination of the 39th on that day, say they have never before seen such fighting. They pronounced it 'Chickasaw Bayou,' continued for five hours. It was during this time that the above named officers, except Lieutenant Blodgett, were killed. He was one of the four officers who succeeded in reaching the fort, and was shot while carrying a message from General Corse to Colonel Rowett. There were ten of our officers in the engagement: five were killed, and two wounded and captured, leaving but three with the command.

"It gives me great pleasure to testify to the heroism, valor and gallantry of these officers. I have seen them before when in discharge of their duties and under fire, and can say of them that in every emergency they displayed coolness and determined courage. As officers, they had the respect and confidence of the command. As men, they had won, by their geniality of disposition and uniform courtesy of manner, the kindest regards and affections of their officers and men, so that we can feelingly exclaim: Their places, who can fill them?"

The regiment lost, in killed, five officers and twenty-seven enlisted men, and, in wounded, one officer and sixty-one enlisted men. Two officers and sixty-eight enlisted men were captured. The commissioned officers killed, were Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield and Lieutenants O. C. Ayers, A. T. Blodgett, N. P. Wright and J. P. Jones. Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield was a man of much excellence. It has often been said he should have been colonel of the 39th Iowa.

Colonel Cummings is a short, fleshy man, with blue eyes, and a large, red face. In his manners, he is dignified and consequential. He is reputed as being able to endure as much rest as any man in Iowa. He was a good tactician, but, beyond that, possessed little merit as a soldier.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 525-32

Thursday, October 29, 2009



J. J. Woods, of the 12th Iowa Infantry, has a checkered history, which will be read with interest. He is a native of Ohio, and was born in Brown county, the 11th day of January, 1823. In 1833, he removed with his father's family to Rush county, Indiana, whence, after a residence of two years, he returned to his native county.

Colonel Woods is a West Point graduate. Having completed his preparatory course at Augusta College, Kentucky, he entered the West Point Military Academy in 1843. He was a successful scholar, and graduated in 1847, the third in his class. Receiving a 2d lieutenant's commission in the 1st United States Artillery, he sailed, on the 10th of October, 1847, under orders for Vera Cruz; but, on the fourth day out, the vessel on which he had taken passage was wrecked near the Great Bahama. After several days of peril and hardship, he reached Nassau, New Providence, and sailed thence to Charleston, South Carolina, where he passed several weeks with a former class-mate, by the name of Blake. Re-embarking again for Vera Cruz, he reached that place on the 5th of January, 1848. In August of the same year, after having had yellow fever, he was recalled and ordered to report at Governor's Island, New York Harbor. He was promoted to a 1st lieutenancy the 29th of October, 1848, and soon after sailed with Companies L and M of his regiment for Oregon: these were the first troops sent by our Government to that Territory. He remained in Oregon till the winter of 1853; and, during his stay in the Territory, was stationed at Fort Vancouver, Astoria, and Middle Oregon. At the last named place he had command of the Dalles. In the winter of 1853, he was ordered to New York City on recruiting service, where he remained till the following October, when he resigned his commission. Soon after, he purchased a farm in Jackson county, Iowa, on which he has since resided.

In August, 1861, Colonel Woods was tendered the lieutenant-colonelcy of the 9th Iowa Infantry; but this position he declined, and was, on the 23d of the following October, commissioned colonel of the 12th. From that date till the expiration of his three year's term of service, he served in command, either of his regiment, or of the brigade to which it was attached. He left the army in the fall of 1864, with the respect and good-will of his regiment, and with the high personal consideration of his superior officers. His services merited recognition at Washington; but, with him as with some others, modesty blocked the wheels of promotion.

The 12th Iowa Infantry, like the other Iowa regiments which were captured with it in the first day's battle at Shiloh, has a bright record. Its first battle was Fort Donelson. It had been present at the capture of Fort Henry; but, like the other infantry troops, took no part. The late gallant Admiral Foote captured Fort Henry with his three wooden and four iron-clad gun-boats, and received the surrender of General Tilghman ; and no one will dispute with him that honor.

General Smith, in whose command was the 12th Iowa, operated on the bluffs on the west bank of the Tennessee, and General McClernand, on the east. Had McClernand moved two hours sooner, he would have invested the fort, and captured five thousand prisoners; but he floundered in miry swamps, and nearly the entire rebel garrison escaped to Fort Donelson before he came up. It was said the blunder was General Grant's; but, if it was, he retrieved it a few days after at Fort Donelson.

After the fall of Fort Henry, the 12th Iowa, with its division, marched across the country to the rear of Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland. The distance is twelve miles. One strong and important point in the long line of rebel defenses — that line extending from Bowling Green, Kentucky, down past Fort Donelson and Fort Henry, and across the country to Columbus — had been wrested from the enemy. Fort Donelson captured, and the country south, to the vicinity of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, including the city of Nashville and the railroad connecting Bowling Green with Columbus, must be yielded by the Confederates. Columbus, too, must be evacuated, and the Mississippi abandoned as far south as Memphis. Then, with prompt and energetic movement on the part of the Federal forces, the Memphis and Charleston Railroad could be cut, the strategic point of Corinth occupied, and Kentucky and West Tennessee restored to Federal authority. The issue at Fort Donelson was therefore watched with impatience and anxiety.

General Grant, with the divisions of Smith and McClernand, arrived in rear of Fort Donelson in the evening of the 12th of February, 1862. That night the troops slept on their arms, as they also did on every subsequent night, until the fort capitulated. The division of Smith, filing to the left from the Dover road, swung round against the enemy's right, and that of McClernand, filing to the right, formed line in front of the enemy's left. The right and left of these divisions remained connected; for the division of General Wallace, which was to occupy the centre, had not yet arrived, but was on its way up the Cumberland River. The 12th Iowa was still under Smith, and was attached to the 3d Brigade, commanded by Colonel J. Cook. The 4th Brigade of the same division, in which were the 2d, 7th, and 14th Iowa regiments, was next on the left and constituted both the left of the division and the left of the Federal forces.

"Thursday morning, at half past eight o'clock, (I quote from Colonel Woods' report) we marched down to, and up the Dover road about half a mile, when we filed to the left, and formed line of battle: threw forward the flanking companies as skirmishers, and marched forward down a long slope that lay in front, the grape, shot and shell of the enemy flying thickly around us all the time. Our skirmishers advanced to the top of the hill that lay in front of us. The battalion halted at two-thirds of the distance to the top of the hill, where it was protected from the enemy's fire by the ridge in front." This position was held by the 12th Iowa the following night; and that night and the following one will never be forgotten by the regiment. A fierce north-east storm set in late in the afternoon, and raged with great fury, and the men, though drenched with the rain, and chilled with the cold, were allowed no fires, and suffered most bitterly. That morning the 12th Iowa had lost its first man killed in battle — private Edward C. Buckner. He was shot through the head on the skirmish line, and killed instantly. In the wet and cold of the following night, the sad event was talked over by the men, and they wondered who would be the next to fall.

The entire day of the 14th, (Friday) and the forenoon of the following, were passed by the 12th Iowa in skirmishing with the enemy; and, during this time, the regiment was gallantly supported by the 50th Illinois, and by Birge's Sharpshooters. No assaults were attempted on Friday, for the division of General Wallace, and the gun-boat fleet had not yet come up. The fighting on the south side of Fort Donelson closed about noon on Saturday, the 15th instant; when the enemy, having routed McClernand, returned to their works in triumph. It was at this hour that General Pillow sent his laconic report to Nashville: "On the honor of a soldier, the day is ours." "At about two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 12th Iowa, 50th Illinois, and Birge's Sharp-shooters were ordered to make a feint-attack, to draw the enemy's fire. The men went cheerfully to the work assigned them; and kept up a warm fire on the enemy, while Colonel Lauman's brigade, on our left, advanced on the enemy, and got possession of a part of the enemy's outer works, and hoisted thereon the American flag." From that hour until night-fall, the 12th Iowa was sharply engaged, and during that time, the regiment suffered nearly its entire loss. It moved to the support of Colonel Tuttle by the left flank, and, marching through the deep ravine in its front, and over the fallen timber, arrived at the top of the hill, just as the 25th Indiana commenced falling back. The regiment entered the rebel works to the right of Colonel Tuttle, and held its position till morning, when the Fort and its garrison were surrendered.

The casualties of the regiment in this engagement were thirty—all, with the exception of three, being sustained on Saturday afternoon. Two only were killed. Among the wounded, was Lieutenant-Colonel Coulter, who "behaved with the utmost coolness and bravery, and performed his duties regardless of the danger to which he was exposed." Major Brodtbeck and Surgeon Parker received special mention for their good conduct. "Every commissioned officer performed his duty without flinching." Sergeant-Major Morrisy, and Color-bearer Sergeant Grannis, and many others, deserve special mention for their coolness and gallantry. Privates Buckner and Stillman were the two men killed: the former was shot in the eye, and the latter in the right temple. With the exception of the 2d Iowa Infantry, no troops are entitled to more credit, for the part they sustained in the capture of Fort Donelson, than this regiment.

The next engagement of the 12th Iowa was Shiloh, where, for holding its position too long, it was captured. It has been matter of wonder why General Grant and Admiral Foote, after the fall of Fort Donelson, did not push on directly to Nashville. The people of that city, and the rebel troops there stationed, would be in the utmost consternation; and it was believed that the place could be occupied with little or no opposition. Both Grant and Foote appreciated the situation, and were anxious to advance against the city; but Halleck, the general commanding the Department, would not give his consent. They called him the old wheel-horse. Some said he was good only on the hold-back, and, to succeed, he must have a down-hill enterprise. As it was, the enemy, in their mad fright, destroyed some two million dollars' worth of property which might have been appropriated by the Government. General Johnson's army, too, on the march from Bowling Green, might probably have been captured. A week after the fall of Fort Donelson, General Buel [sic] occupied Nashville; after which, General Grant proceeded up the Tennessee River to Savannah and Pittsburg Landing.

At the battle of Shiloh, the 12th Iowa was attached to the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, commanded by General Wallace. General Smith was absent at Paducah. Colonel, afterwards General Tuttle commanded the brigade. The part taken by the regiment in this engagement is elsewhere given. It formed a part of that line which, though at last broken, was held with such obstinacy as to save Grant's army from total rout.

After receiving orders to fall back, Colonel Woods says, in his official report:

"Seeing ourselves surrounded, we nevertheless opened a brisk fire on that portion of the enemy who blocked our passage to the Landing, who, after briskly returning our fire for a short time, fell back. A brisk fire from the enemy on our left was going on at the same time. Seeing the enemy in front falling back, we attempted, by a rapid movement, to cut our way through; but the enemy on our left advanced rapidly, coming in behind us, pouring into our ranks a most destructive fire. The enemy in front faced about, and opened on us at short range, the enemy in our rear still closing in on us rapidly. I received two wounds, disabling me from further duty. The command then devolved on Captain Edgington, acting as field officer. The enemy had, however, already so closely surrounded us that their balls, which missed our men, took effect in their ranks beyond us. To have held out longer would have been to suffer complete annihilation. The regiment was therefore compelled to surrender as prisoners of war."

The regiment's list of casualties was great, though the exact number I am unable to give. The killed and wounded numbered about one hundred and fifty. Of the conduct of his regiment, Colonel Woods says: — "Captains Earle, Warner, Stibbs, Haddock, Van Duzee and Townsley performed well their part, as did all the lieutenants in the action, in a prompt and willing manner. The non-commissioned officers and men stood bravely up to their work, and never did men behave better." Lieutenants Ferguson and Moir, two brave and worthy officers, were both killed. As already stated, Colonel Woods was twice wounded, and taken prisoner. He was shot through the left leg and right hand. The former wound disabled him, so that he could not march to the rear with the other prisoners, and the fortunes of the following day restored him to liberty; for he was re-captured by our forces. Over four hundred of the 12th Iowa were captured, and, of these, eighty died in Southern prisons. That is the saddest page in the history of this noble regiment.

The 12th Iowa was re-organized in the winter of 1862-3, that portion of it which had been captured having been previously exchanged. The regiment was again led to the front by its unassuming colonel, and assigned to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 15th Army Corps. The command of the brigade was given to Colonel Woods. A detailed account of the movements of the regiment need not be given here; for a full history of operations in the rear of Vicksburg will be found elsewhere.

The 12th marched with its corps from Milliken's Bend, via Grand Gulf to Jackson, and thence to the rear of Vicksburg, where it participated in the long and arduous siege. On the fall of that city, it marched back with Sherman to Jackson, and, after the flight of Johnson, assisted in the almost total destruction of the place.

The regiment's next important services were rendered in Northern Mississippi, in the spring of 1864; though I should not omit to state that it marched with Sherman on his trip to Meridian.

It re-enlisted as a veteran regiment, in the winter of 1863-4, and came North on veteran furlough; after which, it was assigned to the command of General A. J. Smith, and, under that general, fought at the battle of Tupelo, July 14th, 1864. Its conduct in this engagement, and in saving Smith's train from capture and burning the day before, between Pontotoc and Tupelo, made it one of the star regiments of the expedition.

The previous reverses, sustained by the army stationed at and near Memphis, under General Sturgis, are stated in the sketches of other officers. The expedition in question left La Grange, on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, on the 5th of July, 1864; and, proceeding in a southeasterly direction, passed through Ripley and Pontotoc, and thence on to Tupelo. The heat and the dust rendered the march extremely painful and exhausting; but the brave men endured the hardships with great fortitude, for they were to retrieve our arms in that quarter from disgrace.

On the 13th instant, the 12th Iowa was assigned the duty of guarding the supply-train, a task which was not without its dangers, and which, on account of the hilly and timbered country through which the march lay, required the greatest vigilance. The country, too, was full of scouting parties of the enemy. Early in the afternoon, Lieutenant-Colonel Stibbs, commanding the regiment, was informed by one of his flankers that, the enemy's cavalry, in large force, were advancing rapidly through the timber on his right. It proved to be Maley's Mississippi Brigade. Learning their intended point of attack, the colonel threw his regiment in their front, and, concealing his men in the dense brush, ordered them to hold their fire till they received the proper command. Soon, the enemy came dashing through the woods, firing their carbines, and shouting like demons. They were allowed to approach within less than twenty paces, when a well-directed volley from the regiment checked them, and a second one drove them back in confusion, with the loss of their colors. They continued a scattering fire for fifteen or twenty minutes, and then retired.

In this affair, the loss of the 12th Iowa was one man killed, and twelve wounded. Among the latter, was Captain C. L,. Lumbardo. The battle of Tupelo opened the next morning.

On Thursday, the 14th instant, Smith's army was put under arms at three o'clock in the morning, and was soon after marched out and formed in line, on the right of the Pontotoc road. The position of the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, to which was attached the 12th Iowa, was as follows: "On the extreme right was stationed the 6th Indiana Battery, four guns; next in line, on the left, was the 33d Wisconsin, of the 4th Brigade; next, the 33d Missouri; next, the 2d Iowa Battery, four guns, commanded by Lieutenant J. Reed; and on the left of the brigade, in the most advanced position of our front line of battle, was the 12th Iowa, the 7th Minnesota being in reserve."

Immediately after the line was formed, skirmishers were thrown out; and soon, the enemy, moving from their cover in the timber, appeared in force, and formed for the encounter. The battle opened with artillery, which was fired with great rapidity and precision. The range was short, and the screeching [sic] of shells, and the whistling of grape and canister, was frightful. In the meantime, the enemy pushed their infantry forward, and engaged the whole Federal front. The 12th Iowa was protected by an old fence thrown down for a barricade, from behind which it did terrible execution, repelling every rebel assault. And thus the fighting continued for upward of two hours, when the regiment, having exhausted its ammunition, was sent to the rear. In half an hour, it returned with replenished cartridge..boxes, and, taking up its former position, again engaged the enemy. As the battle progressed, the enemy made charge after charge, confident of victory. They would approach within fifty yards of the Federal line, when, met by terrible volleys of canister and musketry, they would stagger for a moment, and then retire precipitately. To whip Smith's forces, was to be a "fore-breakfast spell"; but they must have thought their breakfast a long way off. Finally, they were charged in turn by the 12th Iowa in the van, the 35th Iowa, the 33d Missouri, the 33d Wisconsin and two companies of the 7th Minnesota. They could not face the valor of these veterans, and fled to the woods, leaving the bloody field in possession of the Federal forces. Nor did they return that day to renew the contest.

Of the second day's fight, and of the results of both days' battles, Lieutenant-Colonel Stibbs says:

"On the morning of the l5th instant my regiment was assigned a position to the left of the Pontotoc road, and formed the left centre of the brigade line. We had a substantial breastwork of cotton-bales in our front, which served as an admirable protection against the enemy's sharp-shooters. We took full part in the fight and charge of the day, losing one man killed and three wounded. Our loss during the three days' fighting was one officer and eight men killed, one officer and fifty-four men wounded, and one man missing."

Lieutenant A. A. Burdick, acting regimental quarter-master, was killed by a shell, while assisting to bring forward ammunition. He was a gallant young officer, and held in the highest esteem by his regiment. Sergeant Robert Fowler and Corporal G. R. Holden were also killed.

Being without supplies, General Smith could not continue the pursuit; and he therefore moved back in the direction of Memphis. Indeed, I am informed that the object of the expedition was accomplished on the battle-field of Tupelo — Forest and his command had been routed. The enemy's cavalry followed on the return as far as Oldtown Creek, giving the rear guard much trouble; but so skillfully and successfully was the march conducted, that not a single wagon of the long train was lost. The expedition arrived at La Grange on the 20th instant; and from that point all the wounded were sent forward to Memphis.

The entire Federal loss in the fighting at Tupelo was about six hundred, while the enemy's was estimated at not less than two thousand.

After General Smith's operations against Price in Missouri, in which the 12th Iowa took part, we next find the regiment with that general before Nashville. In the battles fought south of the last named city, it figured conspicuously; and its gallantry became the more noted, from the fact that it went into the fight without a single line officer: each company was commanded by a sergeant. Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Stibbs commanded the regiment, and Captain, now Major Knee was acting major — both brave and true men. The regiment's conduct at Nashville is deserving of the greatest praise; for its colors were among the first to be placed upon the enemy's strong redoubts. It accomplished much, with but small loss — two killed and eighteen wounded. The 12th Iowa last operated with General Smith, in the reduction of Mobile, or rather the strong forts, by which that city was defended.

Colonel Woods has a slender, stooping form, brown hair, a light complexion, and mild, blue eyes. He is, in appearance and in fact, the most unassuming of the Iowa colonels. He speaks slowly and kindly, and was accustomed to give his commands with great coolness and deliberation. The officers and men of his regiment at first thought he lacked style and energy; but they soon learned he possessed great worth as a commanding officer. He is the farthest removed from every thing that distinguishes regular army officers.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 243-54