Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Report of the Senate Committee

WASHINGTON, April 18 – The Select Committee of the Senate, through Mr. Hale, made their report under the resolution adopted in July last, instructing them to inquire into the circumstances attending the surrender of the Navy Yard at Pensacola and the destruction of the property of the United States at the Norfolk Navy Yard and the amount at Harper’s Ferry and the abandonment of the same by the Federal forces, and also whether there was default on the part of our officers. The Committee relate at length the facts of the case. The amount of property at the Norfolk Navy Yard was valued at $9,760,000; the vessels were worth nearly $2,000,000. There were in the Yard at least 2,000 heavy guns, of which 300 were of the dahlgreen pattern. The committee making the report was composed of Senators Hale, Johnson of Tenn., and Grimes of Iowa.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 4

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