Thursday, August 26, 2010


The latest exhibition of Secession chivalry was at New Orleans on the occasion of the taking of that city by the Federal fleet. Com. Farragut calls the attention of the Mayor to it and his honor makes no denial. It was nothing less than the shooting down of innocent [women] and children, in sight of our fleet, for giving expression of their joy at the restoration of the old flag. Was not that an act of chivalry for you? To be sure our Indian tribes would hardly do such an act; the Mexican greasers – the Hottentots – even the South Sea Islanders would not like to have their names associated with such a wonton act of barbaric cruelty and atrocity. Can’t some of our Secession papers stop their blathering about “Abolition,” long enough to characterize such acts as these as they deserve?

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 2

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