Thursday, August 26, 2010

D. D. Burnett

Company D.

Was born in East Plymouth, Ashtabula county, Ohio, August 9th, 1839. Was raised on a farm. At the age of 21 years, in 1860, went to Iowa. In June, 1861, enlisted in Captain P. Gad Bryan's Company D, First Iowa Cavalry. Was wounded at Greer's Place, south of Lexington, Missouri, in March, 1862; was sent home on furlough; rejoined regiment in July, 1862, and remained with company until December, 1863, when he was sent to General Hospital at Little Rock, Arkansas, as unfit for field service on account of rheumatism. Remained there until ordered home to be mustered out in September, 1864. Returned to Ohio, and was married in February. 1865. Went to Iowa and lived one year, then returned to Ashtabula, Ohio, where he now resides. In March, 1872, was run over by cars and lost his right leg below the knee. In 1883 he went into trade as a grocer, which he still follows. Is a member of Paulus Post, No. 4, Department of Ohio, G. A. R.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 333-4

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