Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Death of Churchill C Cambreleng

Mr. C C Cambreleng for many years a prominent politician of New York, died at his residence on Long Island on Wednesday, in the 76th year of his [life]. Fore some time past Mr. Cambreleng has disappeared from the public eye, but a little while ago he was one of the conspicuous men of the nation. He was originally a successful merchant of New York, afterwards, represented it in Congress for many terms, where he took a leading part, and he was appointed Minister to Russia under the administration of Van Buren. He was a man of great practical sense and of inflexible honesty, and the city of New York has seldom sent to the national councils a person more worthy of her metropolitan position.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 10, 1862, p. 1

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