Friday, January 28, 2011

Substitutes For Coffee . . .

. . . are all the go now-a-days, and many of our town’s people have dropped the pure original beverage, and taken to some of the mixtures and decoctions which are recommended by those who have tried them, as they say.  We have just discovered some new ones in our exchanges.  Sorghum molasses is recommended as a substitute for coffee.  The molasses is boiled down to the consistency of taffy and then allowed to burn.  The Advertiser considers it the best equivalent for coffee yet discovered.  Of course it is.  That the matter with all of them.  But we think the climax has been reached by a correspondent of the Muscatine Journal, in the following recipe, which we submit to the thoughtful consideration of our friend Jones, the coffee-man.  The materials are so very plenty, the compound will probably cost considerably less than nothing.

“Take of catnip one ounce and pulverize it well with two ounces of snake weed, add a strong decoction of smart weed mixed with a solution of wild cherry bark, and you will have a substitute for coffee that can’t be told from the original Java.”

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 18, 1862, p. 1

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