Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shooting Affray

An unfortunate occurrence took place at Walnut Grove, in Washington Tp., in this county, last Friday, the particulars of which, as well as we can gather them, are about as follows:  A short time ago a dispute arose between two young men by the name of Donelson, living in Missouri, and J. Whittam, of Washington Tp., about hauling some logs; and last Friday morning the Donelsons rode up to the house of Whittam on horseback, where one of them dismounted and walked towards the house.  Mr. W. was a short distance from the house, talking with Dr. Hull, when he saw them approaching, and immediately went into the house and got his gun, Donelson fired at Whittam with a pistol, and then Whittam fired hitting Donelson in the breast.  He fell to the ground, when his brother ran to him and took his pistol, and entered the house and shot two balls at Whittam; one taking effect in the lower part of his breast, and the other breaking his arm.  It is thought he will not recover.  Donelson’s wound is not dangerous.

The two Donelsons were arrested and taken before justice Montgomery, but discharged on a quibble raised by a Rockport lawyer; and they now run at large.

LATER. – Whittam is improving and will probably recover. – {Page County Herald.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 3

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