Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our Wounded At Cincinnati

The following are the names of the wounded of the 2d Iowa who have arrived at Cincinnati.  For most of these the public are indebted to the politeness of Mr. C. R. Fosdick, head of the Sanitary Commission at Cincinnati.

Company A – S. W. Evans, G. D. Saylor, Robert Hall.
Company B – A. H. Clark, G. Rosenberg, E. W. Manning, H. Lawrence, J. Bartschi, J. S. Hayden.
Company C – W. M. Campbell, W. P. Wade, J. C. Grenawalt.
Company D – R. Patrick, T. G. Crea.
Company F – Corp. James Schrawger, T. B. Wilson, F. M. Armstrong.
Company G – P. Q. Stiner, J. H. Patterson.
Company K – E. G. Vaughn, A. S. Thompson.

The following is a copy of a friendly letter from Mr. Fosdick to Mr. Eldridge, dated, March 3:

CINCINNATI, March 3, 1862.

C. H. ELDRIDGE, Davenport –

Dear Sir:  I telegraphed you this morning the names of twenty-two of the Second Iowa Regiment who arrived here from Fort Donelson.  The Gazette which I mail with this letter contain the names of sixteen who arrived yesterday, (Sunday,) and below I give the names of the six who arrive this morning.

E. G. Vaughn, Company B, wound in breast.
A. Steinmetz, Company B, wound in leg.
Geo. Rosenberg, Company B, wound in shoulder.
Robt. Hall, Company A, wound in shoulder.
Jacob Barchi, Company B, wound in arm.
T. G. Crea, Company D, wound in arm.

They (the wounded) are all getting along finely, and will have the best care and attention bestowed upon them.  I am personally acquainted with the surgeons in charge, and know them to be kind hearted as well as scientific men.  I am a daily visitor at the hospital and have not yet heard the first man complain.

Hoping your friends will soon recover, I remain

Respectfully yours,


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 6, 1862, p. 1

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